Chapter- 2- In which we accept.

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The alarm clock erupted with a noise that should have been illegal at this time in the morning. Sam even surprised herself with the amount of force she managed to exert upon the retched dream killer.

Well at least she had time to make herself look human, she thought as she groggily raised from her warm cocoon.

She swished open her curtains and once her eyes had adjusted to the sudden light the first thing she saw was the microwave sitting on her desk. Imediatley reminding her of last nights events.

She then inspected her palms, some of the marks had calmed down but there was a patch that was still angrily red and stinged when she touched it

" Damn it , I have to lug that to school as well" she groaned as she looked at the microwave, if microwaves had faces she was certain it would be taunting her.

Sam figured that the most obvious place she would catch them was the boys dorm, she couldn't take it to breakfast so she would take it to the boys dorms after , hopefully catching them when they returned to their dorms for their bags.

Damn it , Sam thought, the ammount of effort im putting into them.

She shuffled over to her chair, overflowing with her school uniform. Half an hour and quite a few trips to the bathroom later she was dressed in her blue and green school skirt, white shirt and regulation tie, which was more like a glorified ribbon if you asked her. She also threw on a school hoodie and her essential earphones and jogged out of her dorms.

As Westvale high's campus was quite large there was many paths lined with trees and bushes conecting the buildings like a network, its quite easy to get lost if you're new, but Sam had taken to the paths like fish to water and often used them to get around peacefully undisturbed

The eating hall was full of girls with tragic cases of half awake makeup application , and boys with nests of bed hair. All groggily mooching around like zombies exept the odd few , who perhaps had drunk too much free coffee.

Sam liked breakfast, everyone was too sleepy to notice her and she could easily grab some toast and make her way peacefully through the scenic route through the paths.

She grabbed some buttered toast from a basket by the door and started eating it while walking past some bike sheds approaching a crossroads were several benches surrounded a massive oak.

She was just finishing the last bite of her toast when she spotted two figures approaching her.

Huh, that wild hair seemed familiar..... oh god, it was the extreme -black-ops-style-plan-maker boy. Along with another boy. Sam didn't recognise him for a moment, then figured it must be the boy she saw in the window.

Now she saw them in the daylight she noticed the short hyperactive boy with the wild blonde hair was ambling around his friend , who looked like he would like to be anywere else but there, and walked with slow long steps and wore a bored expression along with his thick rimmed glasses and hair that flopped over his eyes.

Sam remembered she had heard people talking about these boys, it was said that even though the pair were blatant opposites , they were never seen apart.

When the short boy had taken a break from trying to annoy his friend. He turned and caught Sams eye.
A flash of recognition spread across his face and he smiled broadly.

The boy jogged towards her waving, The tall boy following with a tired expression.

" Thanks for yesterday, what you did was pretty cool " he said with his hands in his pockets rocking on the balls of his feet.

" Ah, it was nothing really, it won't go on my record but it would have probably gone on yours " Sam said with a small smile.

" Oh did they cane you?.... " the boy asked peering at her hands worryingly.

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