VB Part 2 Chapter 11 |

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Previously on Violated Body;

Drew held my hand and kissed my lips.

"I'll be right beside you through this Acacia Oni."

"And I'll forever be beside you Drew Anthony."

We both looked at each other and smiled. It was like we were walking out hof his room towards a light. Like this was the final stage.

We came into the living room with our hands held tightly together. Our parents looked at us. I started to speak.

"Mom, dad, I have something to tell you,"

And from then on everything had changed.


Narrator's POV

Ace held Dew's hand tightly as she breathed out hard. She thought about nothing but the memories from 6 years old.

" Hey, come look at this!", said Joe.

 Ace ran towards the statue and felt it. It was made of stone. The sculpture was called 'Lame light' and in the description it read, " Here lies the one filled with bitterness and heart filled with emptiness but had faked the sorrow with light."  It was tall and dark, and it seemed to be an image of a young girl about 4 years older than Ace was. Her face was pretty, but it was full of marks and cuts and it seemed like as if it was supposed to be there. The young girl had a dress and it was white. The only thing that concerned Ace was why hadn't it been broken or rusted not even one piece was off the statue. Around the stone was flowers of black and white. This was going to be Ace's new favorite place to be. She looked up and smiled, because some how, she knew the meaning to this sculpture. She just didnt know how to explain it. Ace was a smart girl for such a young age. She was definetly much smarter than most people her age.

" Joe, isn't it beautiful?" Ace says standing next to him. 

" It is beautiful, just like this beautiful girl standing right next to me." He smiled as he looked down at Ace, and she smiled back. Joe was like the best friend she never had, even though he was 11 years older than her. Ace was never able to have friends with Joe around. He would tell stories that would scare her to not make any friends at all and to only trust him. He had said things like, " Don't be friends with the girls, they will talk bad about you and say mean things about you and they will try to hurt you and destroy your life." and he would also say," Don't trust the boys, they are way worse. They can use you and make you cry and they can disgrace you and your family. Now do you want that to happen to you Acacia?" 

Ace looked up at Joe and began to get scared. " I don't want that to happend to me Joe, please don't make that happen to me." Joe looked at her and said, " Don't worry at all my love, no one will hurt you as long as you stay with me and not with them. You'll be safer that way." Ace nodded at Joe and hugged him and he hugged her tighter. 

"Acacia, promise me you'll never leave my side."

"I promise Joe, youre my bestest friend! "

"That's right!'

At the time, Ace's mother and father were in London for their job, and they couldn't afford a place during the few months that Ace was with Joe. So they brought Ace to Craven with her father'sand mother's known friend  Lane. This is where she met him for the first time.

" Hey Acacia your mom just called, she wants to talk to you," called out Lane.

Lane handed the phone to Ace.


"Hi Mommy!!"

"Hey baby, How are you doing in Craven?"

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