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It is my first time being outside my home country, South Africa. The feeling of hope is so refreshing as I took in the breath of freedom. The air bursts with chattering, marching sounds of rushing shoes, freshly cooked food from stalls, car horns and carbon monoxide produced by the masses of taxis in the crammed streets. The crystal clear, turquoise sky smothered the earth with a spotless blanket gazing over the crowded pavements which surrounds every skyscraper filled with the hustle and bustle of people hurrying on their way. The perfect scenery for a normal day in New York City.

A smile crept the corner of my lips as I realise in this chaos I will find my peace. It has been close to 45 minutes since I've arrived New York and since I had no idea where I will be going or staying I might as well just enjoy the wonders of this new environment.

I walked up to the nearest bench and sat down then it hit me... 'I have no where to go'. I've always known going to a new country alone and without knowing anyone there will be a bit challenging but because I had to leave in a rush I never took the time to actually plan this journey thoroughly but anything will do at this point. The constant ranting of a man snapped me back to reality.

"This old woman is pathetic! I know it! She knows it!!!" Kelvin shouts.

"I know, Kelvin," Jeff whispers back.

"Even my best mate, Jeff, knows it, and even he's more pathetic than this old woman. If not for that my car at the mechanics I would have sent my driver and avoided this problem" Kelvin says as he turns to speak to the cab driver; who is quietly avoiding being caught in the drama.

It is almost dark and I'm beginning to get anxious and I have no idea where I will lay my head, as I try to concentrate on my predicament.

"This is nonsense. I might as well just start walking." I said to myself in frustration. I began to take a walk, hoping along the way I will find a safe place, when I noticed an old frail lady, Her hair pulled back into a scraggly bun reminded me of straw, all harsh looking and tangly. She was of a slim built with a bit of a hunch but then again that could have been her age.
She was walking so slow under the pressure of several luggage.

You would think at least one person will be kind enough to help the poor old lady. I mean she looked fragile and frail. I ran to her.

"Good evening ma'am, I hope you don't mind me helping you with your bags?" I asked

"That would be lovely, Celestial." she responds with a smile.

In all honesty, I find it really creepy that someone I am just meeting for the first time is already giving me a nickname. I smiled at the old woman as I brushed the thought out of my head. I asked her, "Where are you off to?"

"Celestial, you can just help me to that cab over there..." she points where the two guys were standing.

At this point, Kelvin, was standing next to the cab, crossed his leg and his arm resting on its roof. As we drew near, he instantly started smiling. "Took you long enough, grandma, but I can see you brought a present along, soo... I might forgive you." Kelvin grins as he runs his left fingers through his hair sizing me. I stand amazed in front of his royal ego contemplating on how can one person be as ugly as his soul. Don't get me wrong he is dropped dead gorgeous but his character overshadowed his cuteness making him unappealing.

While still running his fingers through his hazel brown medium length hair. His upturned black eyes clouded with lust drilled into mine before proceeding to undressing me as he scanned me from my lips till his gaze took a pause at my thighs. Wretched by his gaze; I'm completely drenched in disgust.
"Me likey," He says as though he is a child who has seen his new favourite toy.

Kelvin stretched out his hands saying, "I'm kelvin."

"So I've heard." I reply without responding to his gesture.

"Nana is here now so we can go." Jeff says breaking the awkward silence before going to give the old woman for a hug.

"Celestial, thank you so much for your help. Where are you off to? so that we can drop you on the way." The old woman asked

I hesitated to reveal my destination but she looked into my eyes with her sincere eyes and I replied, "I...well.. thing is... I don't have anywhere to stay..."

Even before the old woman could utter a word. Kelvin jumped in to offer his place for me to spend the night.

"Actually Celestial, you can stay with me." says the old woman

"I don't want to intrude. You can just drop me at a bridge or at a garage."I interrupt

The last thing I need is to impose on anyone's privacy.

"Honestly dear, it is no problem for me. I am an old woman and I stay alone. Would be nice to have a bit of company and I won't take no for an answer, Celestial." she insists

I couldn't help but to be overjoyed and smile after thanking her and promising that I will try my very best to not get in her way. We enter into the car.

Sitting next to the old woman regardless of the pervert in the car something about today's events seems refreshing and calming. I can now start afresh...

A/N: Hi lovely readers! I tried to make this part a bit longer than the previous. It will get a lot more exciting along the way. I will try to post every week. Thank you for taking the time. Read more to find out more about Pearl. Do tell me what you all think about my writing so far.

Please like and comment if you want me do write some more.m

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