Chapter 6

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It wasn't a long drive till we reached the final destination - a harbour. No boats or people were to be seen around, just a small wooden harbour with 1-2 hidden behind the trees houses surrounding it What a nice little place! It was quiet and calm out here.

We got out of the car and Samu took me to the edge of the wooden harbour. We sat down so that our feet almost touched the water.
He started:
"That's one of the places I really like. Here I can just chill and enjoy silence."
"Yeah, I already love it"
We spent about 2-3 minutes just looking around, not saying a thing, enjoying the moment. For me it was magical.
Who would even believe that I had a chance to meet Samu, and now I'm sitting here with him..
I'd love to swim but it kinda seems cold for that. Too bad..
"Hey, what're you thinking about?" - Samu saw that I lost myself in thought
"Is there a swimming pool nearby? I feel like swimming today.."
"Oh, no need for a swimming pool"
"But.." - Samu pushed me and I found myself in the water before I could even say a thing. All of this happened so quickly I didn't even have time to react! I was so mad at him (well in a good way)
"Samu! Why did you do that?!"
He couldn't stop laughing
"It's not funny!" - I started laughing too
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.." - he kept on laughing. That sweet laugh filled my soul...
"I'm soaking wet, how am I gonna get in the car now, that water is fucking cold!"
"Don't worry - he reached me with his hand and pulled me out of the water. - I've got towels in the rack."
Oh really?! So Samu had actually planned all this? Cool.
"Oh, that's good, cus you're gonna need one too!" - the second I said it I pushed him in the water and laughed so hard after that
"Hey!" - he shouted
"You didn't see that coming? Haha..!"
"Ok ok, I guess I earned it, come on, give me your hand"
"Are you kidding me? Sure you can get out yourself! I doubt that you need my help"
"No, seriously, I just need a hand"
"Alright, fine" - I sighed, I thought he would trick me or something but then I felt sorry and decided to help him.
Samu reached out for my hand and tried to climb up but then I felt myself losing the ground under my feet and one second later i realized I was wet again. He pulled me into the water with him.
Samu started laughing again
"Yeah very funny indeed..." - I couldn't help myself and smiled
I splashed some water in his face and he started swimming after me, since I swam away.
He got me by the waist, I couldn't go any further and escape so easy, of course he wouldn't allow it.
I turned around and I found myself in his arms.
I loved his blue eyes so much, I could look at them for life, but then the cold feeling hit me and took me back to reality.
"Samu, i'm cold" - and started shivering. I know, I ruined the moment..
Well fuck, I hope we have a whole bunch of moments like this one in the future 1 week
"Oh sorry, ok, I'll give you a towel.."

He pulled me out of the water, took a towel and gave it to me. My jacket, t - shirt, jeans, shoes - everything was soaking wet. But it was fun, I have to admit it.
Samu took off his denim jacket because the t -shirt would dry out faster without it.
The white t shirt he was wearing was looking so tight on his body. He looked just like in the music video of "prisoner in paradise" after coming out of the pool where they filmed it.
"Are you still cold?" - he asked after we had both dried ourselves with the towel
"Yeah, a little.."
"Alright, time to go back then.."
"Wait, don't you have another towel for yourself?"
"Well, no, me falling into the water wasn't actually planned, you're full of surprises"
I smirked
"Here, take mine"
Samu wrapped the already wet towel around his body and thanked me.

He drove me back to my hotel. I invited him upstairs. I found new clothes, went to the bathroom and changed. I put another pair of jeans, a black top and a grey cropped hoodie over it
He was still wet though. I gave him all the  towels I had in my room. I didn't want him to catch a cold.
I had to admit one more thing - his wet hair looked insanely sexy
Joanna, just stop it

"So.. what now?" - I asked Samu
"I don't know,...are you hungry?"
I checked my clock. It was already 2:00 pm.
"Yeah, a little. It's late though, time to have lunch."
"How about a pizza at my place?"
I didn't know how to react this time..
"Wait.. really? I mean it's a little inappropriate for me to eat every day at your house.. "
"Joanna, it's ok! Relax, I'm inviting you, please be my guest"
"Well..alright then" we both smiled

We drove to his house. It was already familiar for me so I knew where to sit and stuff..
We ordered pizza.
"I'm gonna go change, be right back" - Samu said and ran upstairs. That was probably his bedroom.
He came back sooner than I expected. He had put a comfy hoodie with sweatpants. He is a guy who looks hot in literally any outfit.
"Why don't we play a game while waiting for the pizza guy to come" - Samu suggested

"How about we truth or dare?"
Alright, I didn't expect that type of game at that time of the day, I like playing it at night, only then I'm in the mood for dares..
"Why not leave it for later..?"
"Why, are you scared?"
I can't stand someone thinking that I'm weak or scared or that sorta thing.
"Challenge accepted!" - I said confidently
"Cool, ok, truth or dare?" - Samu's smirky face made me get goosebumps. Damn he's killing me..
"Truth" - I chose an easy start
"Is it true that you like exotic places? If yes, where would you like to celebrate The New year?" - Samu asked
"Wow, it's a bit too early to think about that but ok.. well I've always dreamed of visiting Australia and go to the beach while in my home town is snowing, that would be a dream come true.."
Samu chose truth too.
"How do you sleep at night? Pajama or no pajama?"
Why did you ask that!? Stop being pervert, damn it! Hope I didn't cross the line..
"Just underwear, ok you're not kidding, that was a head start.." - he laughed but I kept calm this time
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare" - I decided to challenge myself, anyways, he can't make me jump off the roof, how bad could it be..?
"Whoo hoo!" - Samu shouted
"Hey, calm down," I said laughing
"Ok, I dare you to... "
Please don't make me kiss you or anything similar to this..
"..repeat after me in Finnish"
"Oh, I can do that, that's easy"
"Minulla oli hieno päivä tänään, se oli hauskaa. Olisi kiva mennä uimaan teille todellinen allas pian."
I had been struggling to repeat that for about 10 minutes
"You said it right! Good job"
"Samu, what does it even mean?"
"It means: I had a great day today, it was fun. I would love to go swimming with you in a real pool soon."
"Wow.. - i smiled shyly - sure, just say when"
"We'll arrange it later" - he winked
Suddenly the doorbell rang making me jump.

Great! The doorbell broke the awkward silence that was about to begin. The pizza guy is right on time!

"I hope it's the pizza guy, I'm starving!" - I said
Samu got up and went to see who it is

Did he really say that..? Well I'm happy that I made him happy, hope he's having a great time as I do.

"The pizza is here!" - Samu brought it to the kitchen. We both took a plate, I put 2 pieces in mine and he put 3.  We sat back down to the couch.
"Do you like the pizza?" - Samu asked
"A lot." I replied with my mouth full
I don't like talking while eating, I just enjoyed the meal. So it was a killing silence again but at least I wasn't hungry any more, I went to put one more piece in my plate.
We spent the next 20 minutes eating.
I then washed my hands and felt a bit sleepy.
Samu went somewhere and said that he'll be right back.
I yawned and sat back down on the couch and closed my eyes for a while. He had been gone for a while now and I felt myself drifting away in this uncomfortable position, but still the couch was soft enough.

I felt that I was being carried away in my sleep.

"A Perfect holiday in Finland" - Samu Haber fan fiction [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now