~ Kill The Authority Part 3 ~

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Dakota watched Tatsumi , seeing him ta. ke it all of it in, all of what he realised he must do. Her brilliant blue optics thinned.
He had such a passion in him, for his friends who had fallen to corruption. Who had died. She knew he must feel guilt about that and wanted to give something back.
And his village. He wanted his people treated well there.

"To aid us will help your village, Tatsumi. And a chance perhaps in way, you could say, to avenge your fallen companions."

The small young brown locked teen looked to her, green eyes seemingly burning with faint rage at the memories. Such haunting memories of which only witnessed the night before.

"Right henh... I'll do anything that is needed to be done. For this is ..this is like assassination for justice!" He sounded triumphant and yet he was met with laughter.
Though Dakota stood silent, thin smooth arms to her chest.

"Murder is bad in whatever way you see it Tatsumi. " The lioness of th group,Leone uttered with a slight smile.

"You can't justify that." Steele put in, blinking delicately at him through her glasses. She seemed the quiet and clumsy type , it was hard to picture her as an assassin though that was exactly what she was.

"But sometimes we must do bad in order to obtain good. And so in that, I hope you will not regret your decision. Not all bad comes out of this. None of us our pure but that is okay. Sometimes there is no other way." Dakota said to him, she sounded as if she was whispering it though.

"For now you must rest, we will talk over details of the case tomorrow, you need at least a little training as well of course. Dakota will train you first, then Akame." Najenda spoke up, taking a drag out of her pipe. She waved simply and the others began to disperse with Dakota being the first to leave the room, swiftly yet silent, her green scarf flowing alongside her hair of white.
The boss then chuckled as it was just her and Tatsumi in the room. "Either way now we would not have killed you really, you know. But one things for sure, you could never leave here."

The next morning slowly arose and Tatsumi was deep in slumber. All the events that had happened within only 2 day a had shook him a little, he couldnt lie.
Sunlight fluttered through the trees, tinting the leaves and making the water of the lake glimmer. Dakota sat beside the lake a smooth yet slightly moss glazed rock. She sighed and closed her eyes as the wind filtered through..

"AYYYE TATSUMI!!!" A Lioness roared. Or well , Leone calling excitedly.
She ran into the room and grabbed him by the sides practically jerking hi, awake, a huge grin on her face like she was so pleased about herself and did not feel bad at all about waking him up.
"Woah woah jeez! Will you stop!?" He writhed, not really understanding this sudden outburst and wake-up call.

"Boy are you silly or what hahaha!? Did you forget training starts today? Not to mention you have an important mission later aha! Dakota is waiting for you by the lake Tatsumi.! You better hop to it!!" She explained with excitement still laced to her tone, the big smile still there. She suddenly dropped him and placed her hands to her hips, waiting and smiling.
"Right right okay!" He blurted standing quickly from the bed.

It was just a mere half an hour later when she had decided to take the walk. To search for him. He couldn't be far. Her katanas hung to her bag in their straps. Dakota looked forward. It wasn't long before she found on the hill, the overhang of a slight cliff, filled with grass. He must have got distracted along the way. There he was kneeling beside two graves which had been made there. For his friends. Now dead. Now gone. She strode up to him and quietly removed Silvertongue from its sheath. She lightly tapped him to the shoulder with it. "Tatsumi." She murmured.

He jumped a little, startled by the sudden feel of silver blade and her appearance. He turned around. "I don't want their deaths to be wasted." He admitted to her, straight stone face though clear sadness to his eyes.
"Then you must make sure that they don't." She replied quietly and then held out a hand while slowly sliding her samurai away again with the other.
"Come. We've got some work to do."

"This is the training grounds, as you can see Bulat works very hard here. ... a little too hard if you ask me." Dakota seemed to pull a funny face , creases to her forehead a moment as she looked briefly to the forest and then at the floor.
Tatsumi stared wide eyed at all that hard work.
"Aha like what you see Tatsumi!? I'm pretty good right?" He puffed and then winked at him which only caused Tatsumis eyes to widen further. "Umm..."

Leone then just appeared out of nowhere , from around the corner presumably. "Haha he's a funny guy!" She sped up to him and went around suddenly grabbing his shoulders from behind and then leaning her head close to his ear whispering "Oh also , he's gay you know." Before bursting out giggling.

"HUUUH!?" Came Tatsumi's reaction, the sudden idea of Bulat hitting on him making him uncomfortable.
"Ah Tatsumi did you take that the wrong way?" Bulat laughed smoothly. Dakota's and Leone's laughter joined after his. "Hes a lovable guy , you'll get used to that I'm sure." Daki smiled.
"Youll work hard here to better your strengths and improve your talents. Follow me." She then instructed.

When showing Tatsumi the kitchen, he was amazed at all the smells and different ingredients. Surprise, surprise, they found Akame there, sneaking a look into the fridge. "Hm perfect timing. Akame is usually the best cook but since you aren't official yet and this includes your trainjng you can cook lunch for us all. Akame looks hungry. " Dakota mused out loud, looking at him expectantly, blue eyes tingling with slight amusement.

"I sure as hell can do that!" Determined, Tatsumi set straight to work.
"You better rustle up somethjng good, I'll make you Cooke again otherwise." Akame said through a muffled voice as she chewed on a biscuit.
"I'm a good cook don't worry!"

Dakota chuckled. "Always got to reach Akame's expectations when it comes to food. She sure does love it." A brow raised slightly , teasing small smile to her mouth.

Training. Deemed to be easy now, but she could only wonder if Tatsumi knew what really was to come.

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