Kill The Darkness Part 3

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The next day slowly arose and a dark cloud hung over the sky blocking out all light. Akame stood to the edge of the forest gazing out, Murusame in her hand. Dakota stood beside her, her swords in their sheaths. They were busy patrolling their the the territory. Well, one day people could find it after all. Many out there were trying to locate their base and so far, they had failed. "Do you think this boy will get in our way tonight, Dakota?" Akame spoke in a calm serious voice. Like Dakota, she acted rather cold. The two made a great pair and could relate well in that respect. The White haired young woman looked to the skies, the breeze flowing through her light locks. "Perhaps. We can't take him out thoughmin whichever case, he is not a target." She answered.
"I only eliminate targets." Akame answered shortly.
After awhile walking they found no signs of anything. The usual sounds played throughout the forest. The trickling water with fish dancing in the stream. Birds singing their delightful songs. The swaying of the trees in the wind. Seemed quite a happy place for a group of assassins.
But well they needed some place to be themselves right?

"Let's head back. I'm hungry." The raven head declared.
Akame sure loved food.
Dakota nodded. "Lubba was in charge of cooking duties since you went out with me right? Let's hope he hasn't burned the kitchen down."

"Well he isn't as clumsy as Sheele and if he has..."

"...I'll cut him." Dakota added before she could finish.
The two laughed.

Usually it was Lubbock who actually made sure no trespassers got in as he set wire traps around the place with his Imperial Arms Crosstail. He would also go around often and check that they were all still in place and untouched.
But today the two sword wielding girls had done that instead as they had wanted to get out to clear their heads.
Lubbock had opted to do the cooking in their place.

When they got back, Lubbock had thankfully not made a mess of the meal. Leone and Mine were already stuffing their faces.
The blonde woman who possessed the Imperial Arms Lionell looked up smiling cheerily at Dakota and Akame as they walked in. "Hey guys! We saved some for ya! Tuck on in!" She pushed two bowls to them across the table.

After everyone had eaten nighttime soon fell.
Silently. Lithe. Deadly. Like cats stalking prey.
Night Raid moved from their territory into the territory of their enemies.
Then suddenly they went up, high within clouds when wires flung out from Lubbock's Crosstail and so there then where. All standing there on his strong and sturdy wires gazing down on apon the rich family's mansion.
The wind quietly blew. The ones below had no idea.
"Sheele, Dakota, Eliminate." Akame uttered. One after the other they jumped.
Pulling out Gold Dragon in one swift move as she crashed through one of the large arched windows , she took out a guard in a single blow , instantly beheading him. He had had no time to react.
Sheele had done the same, going through another window and taking out a different guard with her Imperial Arms Extase. Scarlet drops sparked up into her face, some going onto her glasses but of course, not enough to block her sight.
They were to filter their enemies out from the inside. While the others would attack from outside.
Swift like a breeze but the wind that spurred was deadly as the two parted, Sheele taking a left, Dakota taking the right.
It was dark with only moonlight filtering through the great arch windows.
She turned coming face to face with the first who actually could fight back. The surprises were over. But her battle wasn't. She drew her second blade , Silvertongue as if to tease him. The bulky guard readied his thick sword.
Her watchful wary blue optics narrowed, their brilliant ocean tint darkening. "How dare you Night Raid. Well I'll take care of you easy. You don't look strong at all and I'm as tough as nails woman. No, you're not even that. Not a proper one anyway." He snorted.
She gave a grunt. "Your strength and size will slow you down, over confident boy. " She countered a quick warning and then made the first move, dashing at him. Apon reaching him she slowed and held back a little knowing he would swing. He missed her by approximately 3 centimetres. His blade hit Silvertongue. She had lifted it, using it as a guard. The sound of the metal clanging together rang out. She raised Gold Dragon then but in that moment he did a crouch to the ground and barrel rolled out of the katanas reach. Now behind her he managed to quickly stand - his only fast move - and took a shot to try stab her back. However being preplanned, she had already had planned another move to replace the one that had failed. It was then that the first of her power was seen. Lilac tinted shadows swarmed her , engulfing her lithe frame as she leant forward. Doing a sharp turn and then seemingly disappeared. All this happened in seconds. He stood bewildered staring in front of him wondering where she had gone. A threatening aura filled the air. Something was telling him his end waa coming. A cold breath hit the back of his neck then, making his hairs stand on end. He slowly turned but only had managed to turn half way before hearing the sound of the golden silver blade swing before then feeling it lodge into his stomach , he literally felt his intestines splatter as he was ripped in half. She had been standing behind him the whole time, waiting for him to realise. "I think I'm more of a woman than that young girl at least." She spat down to his split bod and then kicked the parts aside as she walked past pushing Silvertongue back into it's sheath as she did so.
Outside the vibrant green blades of grass had become just as bloody as the metal blades that were used in the fighting. Soon the valiant white haired young woman reached the main battlefield. She joined in, fighting beside her group , putting her Imperial Arms The Concubine Shadow into action just as she had earlier with the insulting guard who was now nothing but bloody remains.
It was in this moment that a familiar brown haired male entered the scene. Akame came crashing through, the trees branches whipping at her. She held Murusame her Demon sword, ready to strike. She was heading straight for Aria the young girl who had fled to the outside in the midst of it all. Bad idea. But the guards and Night Raid weren't the only ones with weapons. The young brunette boy intervened and blocked her attack with a blade of his own. Her crimson pink eyes narrowed and she darted backwards slightly. She stared at him blankly for a moment and let out a disappointed breath. "You're not a target." She muttered softly. She struck forward again but he went forward and engaged with her. Once again she stopped and stepped back. She would not fight him. Not to kill. After all she would win fairly easily. He was not a target. "You aren't a target. You have no reason to fight in this. You have no place here. Leave." She tried again. This time he spoke. His face so determined. While Aria who stood behind him gripping here dress in a fluster, had a look of terror plastured to her face. "I don't care, I won't let you hurt an innocent girl. I don't understand why you are doing this!"
A glare lanced with her irises. "Very well. Then I shall kill you." She said coldly.
"Wait Akame!" Came a voice and suddenly Leone appeared from behind one of the trees. She head someone's head gripped within her lion pawlike hand. She tossed it aside. A grin was to her face. "Ah Daki was riught. Tatsumi why are you with such filthy people eh?"

Dakota had been spying. From the other side, to some more trees, she emerged, she was nearest to Aria and Tatsumi whilst Leone was by Akame.
"You again? Wait, you're with then!?" The brunette let out a surprised gasp at Leone.

"Who cares? You're a fool. A fool who doesn't know what he's into or who hea dealing with. And I don't mean just us. This 'innocent' girl and her family you've been staying with are monsters." Dakota hissed from behind.
He spun around on her. "They're the monsters!? Who are the ones who decided to slaughter them in their sleep!? You did! They've been so kind to me, they helped me and you say THEY are monsters!?"

"Even kindness can be cruel and twisted. They only showed you what they wanted you to see." She responded , unlike his, her tone was oddly calm. It was chilling in a way.
Akame remained silent.
Meanwhile Aria had begun whimpering proclaiming she didn't want to die.
"Save your lip, it will do nothing dearie." Leone scowled at her before turning her mouth into a grin again as she looked at Tatsumi. "Oh boy, you really have no idea. This family has been very naughty including this young girl here who you think is so innocent. "

"But she's only-"
Leone cut him off.

"Have you looked inside that warehouse Tatsumi? Perhaps you should. Perhaps I should show you. That may change your mind about protecting this girl." She said, now going fully serious.

Dakota wasted no time and strode over to the door breaking the lock off it with one swipe of her samurai. Once putting it away, with both hands she opened the large doors, a thundering creek echoing out.

"Look for yourself. THIS is why they are monsters." Daki snarled softly.
The male hesitantly took a step forward and partway entered the building. The smell of death and flies were everywhere. The sight of death and flies could be seen everywhere too.
Tatsumi's eyes widened in horror, but it was just due to the gradually rotting hanging bodies; victims of torture.
One in particular caught his eye. A lifeless body of a young female dangle from the rope, hands tied above her head. Her long black dead hair trailing down her bruised back. Scarlet scars were painted all over her now dismantled frame. Her body ruined. Her life destroyed.
He knew her. She was important, oh yes. He had been searching so long. But he never would have dreamt he'd find her like this. The girl was..Sayo.
"S-Sayo..that's S-Sayo"

Dakota leant against one of the doors and in that moment, mixed in with the coldness to her eyes was sympathy. "Do you see it now? This is what they do. This is how you would have ended up. You would have gotten the same fate as your friend. That girl Aria was told to lure you in. That's what she does. She pretended to be nice and offered you a place to stay.. But it wasn't kindness , she was using you. You're just her toy just like these other people were." Her gaze flickered to the swaying battered bodies for a second and then lifted her gaze back to him again.

He was at lost for words.

"T...Ta..Tasum..i..?" A hoarse dying voice croaked then from the shadows.
Tatsumi snapped his head to the direction of the voice and that's when he saw him. Just lying there. The life draining out of him. "Leyasu!" In an instant the brown haired male ran to him and crouched down beside him holding him up slightly off the ground with his hands. " Please hang on there..."

A weak smile creased the others lips. "She..she didn't give up know? She give into that girl..she wouldn't be dragged down. That ..girl tried to break her..she failed..she lost. Sayo died a fighter, she ..really..did, Tatsumi..She killed her but..she didn't kill her spirit.." He got out.
"And now it's my"

"Leyasu..." Tatsumi said quietly with sorrow. He didn't know what to say. Tears pricked his eyes.

" have we set out to it for us it..for our..village. And remember...never...never..give up." And so they were, his dying words. His last words.
The brunette let out a scream along filled with tears.
He set Leyasu down and stormed out, gripping his sword tightly. Aria was crazily laughing by this point. Her whole face had changed. Psychotic now heavily wide eyes gaped at them. "That's right! I killed her. I wanted her hair. Her lovely lovely hair. She was fun to play with her first. But then..then she got annoying! She wasn't reacting like I wanted her to! Her whole existence disgusted me. How could she!? How could she!? " Arias laughter had turned into insane fury. Anyone would say that she needs to go in a ward.
Tatsumi let her say now more. Splash.. Swipe...Cutting deep in. He swung his blade into her side causing blood to spray everywhere like a tidal wave. Her craziness disappeared. A scream followed instead.

A long and agonizing scream,

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