Chap 1 - First Day

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  I climbed out of my bed and looked around at the several unpacked boxes and found one labeled 'clothes 1/3' and opened it, pulling out a plaid blue shirt and some dark, long, super skinny pants, my favorite, yet most painful pair of pants. I wasn't a skinny person, I was 5'4 and 167 pounds. I had long black-brown dyed hair and Irish eyes with naturally plump lips. My nose was a 'button' or so my mom said. I found my black and white converse high-tops and white socks and put it all on my bed. I went over to my little china case my dads dad left him and began to put on makeup. I put on eyeliner and some thick mascara, tan eye shadow and light pink blush. I was doing the 'natural' look.

  When I finished I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and went to my bathroom, which needed some unpacking too. I found my toothbrush and quickly brushed my naturally straight teeth, everyone wanted my teeth in middle school. After, I brushed out my hair and heard my familiar alarm go off on my phone. I woke up early today to make sure I wasn't late for the bus. We sold my car for some extra cash when my mom lost her job for a while. But now we both are working. She works as a waitress at O' Charlie's and I work at Coffee Time as a waitress and cashier.

  I ran over to my phone and shut it off and threw on my clothes and did a bit of modeling in the mirror until I saw it was time to go out and wait for the bus. I put my phone in my pocket and threw on my white pull string bag.

  I waited outside for a few minutes in the snow, I couldn't find my jacket anywhere. Finally the bus pulled up and I climbed in with lots of questioning eyes on me, then I heard someone say "Hey new girl sit with me." It was a nerdy boy with square glasses and dark black hair greased over. He was wearing a brown sweater and tan pants and vans. Laughs came from a lot of the students making him frown. Damn bullies!

  I walked over and sat next to him, a few gasps came from the surrounding crowd. The boy looked up at me "Hi" he said weakly. I smiled and said "Hello, what's your name?" "Alexander" he answered blushing. "Cool, I'm Marvel." I said feeling a little red, which only made him blush harder.

"So what's your schedule, I'm sure I can show you your classes." he said. "Umm, yeah, here." I handed him my schedule and noticed him smiling. I was already falling for someone and I just moved here. He handed my schedule back "We have the same classes, except chorus." he told me. I smiled "Awesome!" I told him. Then I remembered, mom made me join chorus.... crap! We were pulling into the school and he whispered "I live across the road from you, you should come over." I nodded smiling "Sounds good to me!" he laughed at my excitement.


  I had just walked out of chorus and went to the cafeteria waiting for Alexander. He didn't show after a few minutes so I started to walk to his last class, biotech. I heard some running and a locker slam shut. "Alex?" I asked into the empty hall. "Help." I heard his low voice say.

  I tracked it to a locker near the biotechnology room and popped it open. Alex came falling out and landed on me, catching himself at the last second. He was in pushup position and I was underneath him. The biotech teacher came out of the room and saw us, he laughed and walked away, leaving us both blushing. Best. Teacher. Ever!

  Alexander jumped up and helped me to my feet and we walked to the cafeteria. When we walked in we both got some pizza and walked to an empty table. We were walking past a table full of jocks then I felt myself trip over one of their extended foot.

  When I hit the ground my face was covered in pizza. I felt Alexander turn around beside me. The jock stood in front of him. They both were super tall but the jock was buff. So was Alexander, but you couldn't tell unless you looked close. I looked up from my nasty tray and at them. "What? Did I hurt your girlfriend?" he asked, I blushed at being called his girlfriend. Alexander blushed a little to, "Aww the little nerds got a crush!" he yelled through the cafeteria. His friends laughed along with the rest of the cafeteria, those not laughing were egged on by their friends.

  "Shut up!" Alexander told him with a harsh tone. I saw Alex bring his fist back, and then going into contact with his face. "You little bitch!" the jock yelled. "Go kill yourself!" the jock yelled in his face. Some of his friends nodded in agreement. Alexander helped me up after that, when I was standing, he grabbed the jock by the collar and said through his teeth "I would rather kill you and ask God for forgiveness than kill myself." the café was filled with "Ooo"s and gasps.

  Me and Alexander sat down and were silent the rest of lunch except when he handed me his pizza. But I wasn't hungry so I gave it back and smiled. He laughed "You have something on your face." "Really now?" then we laughed and finished up and headed to math together.


  I was at home in the kitchen finishing my homework talking to my mom. She was making dinner and I was planning on helping, but I had a lot to do.

  After an hour or so it started getting dark. My mom was still cooking, which wasn't surprising at the least, she cooked a lot. I had just finished my homework when I heard a knock on the door. "I got it" I told mom. She nodded, her light brown hair was in a bun shaking.

  I opened the door to a semi-familiar boy. He looked the same as earlier but his hair was down, it was shaggy like an emo cut, hot! "You never came over." he complained. "Oh gosh, sorry! Come in Alexander." I commanded. "Okay, gosh chill Marvel." he said laughing. He was so loose outside of school, but still nerdy.

  He followed me to the kitchen, catching my mom's attention "Oh my, you scored a hottie Marvel!" my mom exclaimed trying to embarrass me. I felt my face go beet red. "MOM!" I yelled embarrassed, Alexander just played along with her, only making it worse. "Yeah, thanks, I try my hardest to impress your daughter mam." he said wrapping an arm around my waist. I was probably turning purple. I heard them both start laughing as he dropped his arm to the side.

  He knew I had a crush on him. And he obviously had a crush on me. "Yes, well, my name is Sandy." my mom introduced herself "Well nice to officially meet you. I'm Alexander. I see where Marvel gets her looks from." he said, earning an elbow in the side by me. "Well I was wondering if Marvel could come over, if it's okay with you!"

  "Sure" my mom said.

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