Chap 2 - Accidental Sleepover

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  I walked in Alexander's house and felt hot air surround me, it was comforting since it was freezing outside.

  He gasped "Where's your jacket? Do you even have one?" he asked. "I think I left it at my old house when we moved, I can't find it at home." I said sheepishly as he led me upstairs to his room. "You can have mine, I don't mind." he said making me blush a bit. "Yeah, okay." 

  Now I was on his bed, I was playing with a tattered piece of his pillowcase when he walked over with a blue and white jacket, it was adorable. He wrapped it around me and I felt a familiar smell rise up to my nostrils, it smelt like Alexander. He smelt like what dreams are made of! I put my arms through the sleeves and lied down on his bed staring at a The Fray poster mounted on his wall, mom was gonna get me some The Fray tickets but we had to move, so that dream is out the window.

  Alexander lied next to me. "So, whats your family like?" he asked me. I felt a lump grow in my throat, "Umm, well, it's just me and my mom. I'm an only child. My dad, he left my mom a couple months after she got pregnant, he didn't know though, not like it made a difference. He was a drug addict and he abused my mom a lot, I don't understand what drives people to be so horrible. I'm glad he's not in my life, my mom is safe now that that monster is gone." I spoke softly up until the end when I started to get upset. "Oh, I'm sorry Marvel I didn't mea-" "It's fine Alexander." I told him smiling to prove it was true.

  "Okay," he smirked. "my family is small for such a large house. But they are always on the road, this is gonna sound weird but, my whole family is in this 'Traveling Circus'  and I was gonna be in it, but I never really thought it was as cool as they did. I kinda just live here on my own since every ones always traveling. I have my mom and dad, my sister Dot and my older brother Max." I laughed as he told me a few stories of his parents, it made me smile to know he had such an interesting family. 

  "Want to go on the porch roof?" he asked pointing to his window. When you open his window it opens up to the porches roof, which was currently covered in snow. "Sure." I answered. He opened the window and grabbed a few blankets and some pillows so we could hang out and be comfortable. He climbed out and put a blanket on the roof and we climbed on, he was skillfully going inside and out of the house through his window, but I slipped on some ice and decided to just sit on the blanket till he got back.

  It was getting dark and we had been sitting on the porch roof talking about my new house, we talked about painting it over since it was an ugly shade of green and white in some spots from the paint chipping off so bad. He laughed at a few things I said about the house. It was getting really cold so I took a chance and scootched closer to Alexander till we were touching shoulder to shoulder, then I noticed the sun setting. I pointed it out to him and he laughed and told me another story. Then we just sat there and watched the sun eclipse into the earths horizon.

  I lied down soon followed by Alexander and pulled the covers up on me and him. We laid on our sides and continued to talk about absolute nonsense until I felt him reach over and touch my hand lightly before pulling it away, before his hand was out of reach I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. I saw his cheeks grow bright red, mine did the same and I looked down at my feet. I giggled and he got closer making me glow brighter than a Christmas tree. He pulled his hand away making me a little upset and my blush shrink.

  But then I noticed what he was doing, he got even closer and wrapped his arm around me. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach and tired to look down but my face hit his chest. I felt him chuckle and I took in a deep breath of his scent. Man did this boy smell good! I looked up at him and noticed his eyes were starting to close. I scootched as close as I could to him, for warmth of course, and took another deep sniff of his aroma before feeling myself fall asleep in his arms.

  I woke up cold and hot at the same time, Alexander's warmth kept me alive tonight probably. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my pocket, it read '2 TXT FROM Mom' I opened them and they read; "OMG WHERE ARE YOU" 11:36pm and "Awe, I see youuuu. Don't catch a cold and be back in the morning!" 4:32am. I checked the time 4:35am. Crap! I sat up quickly and started to shake Alexander lightly. He didn't get up so I grabbed his pillow out from under his head making him hit the cold roof. We were both inside the warm house in a number of seconds. Thank God we closed the window or it would be freezing in here. 

  We both plopped down on his bed and fell back asleep, which was way more comfortable than the hard shingled roof.

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