Becoming an Olympian god

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Percy Stood before the Olympian Council remembering all to well the events that led to him Standing there


Percy Was walking around camp Looking for his Beautiful Girlfriend of two years Annabeth Chase Daughter of Athena he was walking past the Beach when he Heard it something like Muffled Screams Being the Guy he is he ran for the sound thinking someone was Injured and there he saw it Two People laying on the Beach kissing thinking nothing of it he started walking away Until He Heard something that froze him in his tracks the Guy said oh Annabeth your the best Girlfriend a guy could ask for Rage bubbled inside Percy's stomach and he let it out ANNABETH the Two jumped and spun around Annabeths eyes widened P Percy it it's not what you think NOT WHAT I THINK Percy roared THEN WHAT IS IT BECAUSE TO ME IT LOOKS LIKE MY GIRLFRIEND IS CHEATING ON ME FOR HIM AND TO THINK I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO YOU WERE OVER sending a Huge wave crashing down on them he stalked off to his cabin and there he stayed for the next week not talking to anyone only coming out for meals and training so his swordplay wouldn't get rusty that was until one day A flash of light appeared in the cabin when it subsided there stood his father Poseidon God of the seas with a sympathetic look on his Face but also joy kneeling Percy said Hello Father Poseidon Winced Percy you may stand standing up Poseidon Said grab my arm and close your eyes I'm taking you to Olympus Percy Nodded and grabbed hold of Poseidon there was a flash of light and when it subsided They stood in the Throne room of the gods

Flashback end

PERSEUS JACKSON boomed the voice of Zeus STEP FORWARD Percy walked forward and vowed to Zeus rise Nephew said Zeus standing up Percy looked straight ahead at Zeus not expecting the words that came from Zeus mouth Do you Percy Jackson Agree to becoming a god Percy was baffled there was nothing holding him back anymore so Percy said I accept Poseidon was Literally bouncing up and down on his throne in joy very well Zeus and all of the other Olympians raised there hands and said we the Olympian Council Grant Perseus Jackson Saviour of Olympus Godhood beams of energy shot from there hands and collided with Percy the was a flash and when it died down Percy could feel power flowing through him there was another flash and all three Fates stood there All Hail Perseus the God of Time Space Earth Tides Heroes Warfare Thunder Lightning and Loyalty Everyone Gasped at the domains that Percy was given Athena Stood up he is to Powerful to be a minor god Everyone agreed so Zeus said Hail Perseus The Thirteenth Olympian Percy gaped Olympian the thrones Shifted And another throne shot from the Ground this throne Had Black with stars on it pictures of heroes It Had The Tides and Lightning Bolts with lots Of Weapons and Earth to put it simply It looked Awesome but apparently that wasn't enough for the Fates for they said Hail Lord Perseus The new King Of Olympus that was as far as they got for they were interrupted by a thump Looking down everyone saw Percy had fainted

Perseus The god of time an tides ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now