A Godly Betrayal

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Perseus was sitting on his throne contemplating recent events the more he thought about it the angrier he got Lightning Streaked through the sky and Claps of thunder could be heard throughout both Olympus and the mortal world Calming himself down before he accidentally kills someone he was just rising from his throne when a blast of Energy knocked him down groaning Perseus looked up to see Ares with his Broadsword out and poised to Attack one word flashed through the new gods mind Traitor standing up a bolt of lightning in hand he snarled Ares what are you doing Ares grinned madly why I'm about to kill you Kronos has offered me something I cannot refuse War and lots of it ARES Perseus snapped if you betray us for the titans you do realize what will happen you will forfeit your position as god of war Ares nodded yes and I will become the Titan of War Perseus shook his head at the Son of Zeus and Hera's stupidity no Ares you won't be the domain of war will be lost to you you must know this No I will be the Titan of war and you will be destroyed something felt off about this but Nevertheless Ares must be out down gripping the bolt tightly he charged at Ares and swung the bolt which Ares deflected Perseus flashed Behind him and unleashed Thousands upon thousands of the bolts Electricity which slammed into Ares pushing him forwards Ares growled and swung his blade Perseus Parried the strike and kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble that was all he needed swinging the bolt like a Baseball bat it Slammed into Ares sending Him flying Backwards Right over Athena's throne and smacking his head against the wall Ares groaned from his position on the floor and opened his Eyes to see Perseus Standing over him growling to himself he new he wouldn't win this fight so unleashing A blast of godly energy He saw Perseus fly across the throne room before he flashed out of Olympus DAMN IT Perseus yelled before sending a beam of Multicoloured energy into the sky once the Beam reached its peak it Exploded outwards releasing a wave of Air that Expanded through Olympus and the Mortal world and Six seconds Later all the Olympians apart from Ares flashed onto there thrones Perseus grew into his godly height of twenty feet he sat on his throne and Looked around Apollo was the one to speak before Perseus could Where's Ares he asked Perseus Grimaced looked about wearily that is what I called you for Perseus said everyone looked at Perseus and they all gasped at what they saw for Perseus sat there with golden Ichor flowing from his head with nicks all over him from the blast of energy Ares has betrayed us Zeus looked skeptical he wouldn't I assure you Zeus he did he is why I look like I do now I managed to best him in our fight but as I walked over to him he realized he wasn't going to win so he unleashed his godly energy which blasted me backwards and then he flashed away so Artemis I want you and your hunt looking for him the moment this meeting is finished Apollo you look from you chariot Father Perseus looked at Poseidon you are to see if he is anywhere near the ocean Hermes and Athena your to check on Mount Tam where Othrys now resides to check on Atlas and see if you can find Ares there call for me or any of us if you need backup Hades your to ask Iapetus if he has heard anything which reminds me I need to see him soon Um Perseus Iapatus hasn't returned from when he jumped into Tartarus to find you WHAT Perseus screamed uh yeah Perseus growled well use that Damn sword of yours to call him back while your at it call Damasen and Small Bob and when that is done summon me of course alright thank you Meeting Dismissed Everyone flashed out of the Throne room Perseus just sat on his throne looking Dull before he flashed to Camp Half Blood to Warn Chiron about Ares Betrayal.

What Happens next will Ares be Found before it's to late or will he Succeed in bringing back Kronos keep reading to find out next time on Perseus god of Time an Tides

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