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Kaden paced the entire length of his office getting worked-up as the minutes ticked by;thinking about how his P.A would be so stupid not to have ordered fresh flowers for the conference room entrance since the client coming today loved flowers,tulips to be precise. And he had been told by his P.A, Amelia Lockhart, that flowers was the greatest weak point of their client, Mrs Jovoski Lancaster. Owner of Lancaster World Bank,who wants to buy a whole estate for her daughter as a wedding gift. He had to please Mrs Jovoski because,if he treats her nicely and warmly, Golden Home will surely get a recommendation as the best real estate management home.

Even the drinks are not iced ans the snacks are not ready as of yet. Kaden was already at his Witt's end as it is. It was exactly his own fault if he must admit it. If only he come to work yesterday instead of going to introduce Skylar to his parents,this wouldn't be happening right now. Kaden growled to his self when someone knocked on his door.

"What?" He barked at the closed door.

"The flower delivery is here sir." Amelia walked in with her hands shaking nervously.

"Why are you telling me this?" Kaden snarled. "It should be in front of the conference room by now,right?"

"There's one little problem Sir." Amelia swallowed as if she was facing death itself.

"Well?" Kaden asked impatiently when she kept quite.

"She brought blue rose instead of Tulips"

"Blue-what?" he glared at Amelia. "And you are telling me this? Have her take it away and order new flowers this instant. We have less than ten minutes before Mrs Lancaster arrive."

"But she's refusing to take it away."

"Not Effing now." He swore as he stormed past his open mouthed P.A

In the eight years Amelia has been working here, she had never seen Kaden look so angry as he did now. And he had never used a swear word before. Which means that the flower deliverer is going to get an earful,which would turn out to be very bad for her. Amelia hurries after him with her mind working on how she would salvage the situation any way she can.


"Wow, this is beyond words." Ella breathed when the taxi they took dropped them in front of Golden Homes company.

To say it was a just a company was an understatement,the sky scraper should have at least fifty floors or more with the way it looked so tall. The black glass was shining in the bright sun making it look like a black star in daylight. That is even if there's something like that.

"Ella, don't stand there gawking,we are already fifteen minute late as it is." Cassie,who carried two flower vase in each arms, said to Ella as she walked towards the building entrance.

"Let me have my mo,girl." Ella carried two vases too. "It isn't like it's everyday you get to see a skyscraper or visit uptown. I would definitely gawk at it."

Cassie didn't bother to reply to Ella, it would be useless trying to tell her that if the uptown people see her gawking at the building,they would think that she was crazy or something. She herself must confess that she was a little flabbergasted at the sight of the gigantic building. Never in a million years did she ever think or even dream that she would enter Golden Homes,let alone deliver flowers to them. Her, an ordinary downtown girl.

LOVE ALWAYS WINS. (book one of the Love Trilogy).Where stories live. Discover now