Well, shit.

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"Have you seen that hot new guy yet?" This is what I get welcomed to in the morning. No 'Hi Lacie.' no 'How are you Lacie?' nope. I get weird random welcomes. Like 'Can I have a fifty cents so that my twin doesn't murder me.' or 'Some dude drove a motorcycle onto the lawn at the party.'

"No, Kylie, I have not seen this new guy, and some how, the ability to care has escaped me." I told my short, skinny, blonde friend and then finish grabbing my shit out of my locker and get a paper cut on my cheap ass PLASTIC folder. (Trust me it has happened.)"FUCK!" I say loud enough for every one to hear. One of the teachers standing in the hallway gave me a death stare.

"Language Miss. Lawrence." I collected my shit and slammed my locker. As soon as I turned the corner, I was greeted with someone's chest in my face, then my ass met with the cold hard floor. I sat like that for a bit in shock. I think that I was laughing because I suddenly heard another voice laugh. Probably the dude (I am guessing dude because of the lack of boobs that were in my face seven seconds ago) that I ran into. I look up. Yeah, It's a dude. And from here he doesn't look bad. I don't dare to look straight ahead because neither of us had moved yet.

"Are you okay?" This is not a voice that I have heard in this school before. No, somehow this guys voice was deeper and sexier. Apparently he had taken a step back and then held a hand out, gesturing to help me up.

"I'm fine." I respond and rejected his hand. I can help myself up, thank you very much. Wow. I'm pissy today! I stood to look up and meet some gorgeous as fuck candy apple green eyes. Maybe I should have just let him help me up because now he looked a tiny bit hurt. That expression soon left his face and I am pretty sure he got over it.

"Independent." He observed and let a mischievous smirk come over his lips. "I like it. Name's Dean." He held his hand out for me again, but to shake this time. No matter the gorgeous on this dude, I honestly don't feel like shaking his hand.

"I'm going to be late to class." I tried stepping out and away from him but he got in my way again.

"Hello, going," Don't fucking do it. "to be late to class." Fuck dude.

"Really?" I just kind of looked at him in disbelief. How can one be so lame?

He laughed. "Well I wouldn't have had to say that if you would have just told me your name." This dude is pushing it. I don't care how hot he is, one day, he will get it. I don't know what 'it' is but one day that snark is going to come back and bite him in the ass.

"Lacie." and with that I walked away but took a second to look back, bad choice because he was still looking at me. Soon enough, he turned around and walked away as well.

Yeah, 'it' (whatever the fuck it is) will come back and bite him on that perfect ass of his.

~~~Time skip~~~

The day has been pretty shitty, thank god I have lunch after fourth hour. The dreaded History class. Fuck.

Today I found out that the dude I ran into (well, ran me over) earlier was in fact "new guy" and his name is Dean Winchester. Him and his family move a lot because of some job thing and his mom is dead. He also apparently has a kid brother that is super smart. Also, Lenny Abraham and Jane Spencer broke up, and Lenny is now dating Carol Birmingham. What a man slut. I can not believe that I dated that trash. A fuck boy, that's what he is! After he took my virginity, he realized that I wasn't good enough but Carter Wallace was better. What ever, old news.

So, I sat down in history, next to all my friends at my usual table.

"Why do you sit alone?" I heard a familiar deep voice above my head, making my eyes and pencil part with the piece of paper that I was doodling on.

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