Sunset People

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Lacie's POV

While driving to City Park, I was going through Dean's cassette collection as he grinned at the road proudly. 

"You know, Sammy doesn't really appreciate the classics."

"What the fuck else is there to listen to?" Dean chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. 

"No fucking clue."

We finally got to the park and I pointed to where he could leave his car. We got out of the impala and I ran to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the pavilion underneath the only light in the park. Dean complied and ran with me, up the steps.

"Ya know, my parent's got married here."


"Yup, I was the flower girl and it was the fifth of July, two thousand three. Mom was pregnant with my sister. The pictures made it look perfect." 

"It wasn't?" I looked at him and shook my head 'no'. "I mean, you make it sound like a montage in some rom-com where everyone ends up happy."

"Well, like I said, the pictures are great, but behind the scenes," I laughed. "behind the scenes, my dad was fucking some other chick, my mom was super pregnant- well that shows in the pictures but that's- it's irrelevant- well it was the only reason they got married. My grandma and mother were fighting, and my uncle was fucked up on heroin." I sat on the railing of that white painted building. "It's complicated. At least all I wasn't old enough to remember."

"Wow." We both laughed. 

"Yeah, weird thing is, it's still kind of my dream wedding. Minus the whole cheating and fighting and drugs." We nodded and I bit into a chicken nugget.

"Oh!" Dean seemed to have just now remembered something as he rushed back to his car, setting his second burger on the railing next to me. He came rushing back with two bottles in his hands. I could hear the sloshing of the liquid as he made his way up the steps. 

"What-ch-ya got there?"

"Vodka or whiskey?"

"Both." He let out a short laugh and shrugged his shoulders. 

"We got any cups?"

"Um," I grabbed my almost empty chocolate shake cup and handed it over to Dean.

"Nice." Dean almost sing-songed as he poured both the whiskey and vodka in with the chocolate shake. He quickly took as sip through the straw and cleared his throat before handing it to me. I held the shake in my hand, my heart was pounding. I have drunk alcohol before, Hell I've gotten drunk before I've just never drank alone with a guy who I had only met today. Here goes. I put my lips on the straw and sipped at the shake. I didn't taste the alcohol at first, just the cold almost liquid chocolate shake. After it hit me I just about started to choke on the mixture, the sting of the whiskey thankfully coming before the vodka. I took another sip and got used to the adrenaline rush. 

I walked to the edge of the pavilion and sat on the top step, seconds later Dean joined me and held his hand out for the shake, I handed it to him. I lay on my back and turn to see Dean on my right side, laying next to me.

"Wait, I've got an idea." I whispered and then giggled because I stumble while standing up. I went to the edge of the pavilion and stood on the railing. I placed my foot in a secure spot and in one swift movement, swung my legs onto the roof of the wooden structure. I sat and then giggled when I got in a safe spot. I fixed my shirt and heard some rustling below me. 

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sitting at the top of the pavilion dummy." 

"I can see that." I giggled, closing my eyes then laying down on my back again. 

"Join me." I heard Dean's deep laugh and then the creaking of some wood. I heard him groan as he jumped to the ledge of the roof. I could see his silhouette make it's way to my side and I looked to the sky. I looked to the stars and the bright moon. "This is nice." I stated, making him hum in agreement. "You bring up the milkshake?"

"My hands were a bit occupied, the drink wasn't my priority." I sighed.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" I asked, dreamily.

"Yeah, I don't really ever noticed the stars and all that."

"How?" He laughed at I was kinda serious but I smile too.

"I mean- I've been on the road for while, there aren't a lot of nights that aren't in a car."

"That's sad." I deadpanned then went to look for the Ursa Major. 

"Wow, you're mean when you're drunk." 

I laughed. "I'm not drunk. What are you talking about?" I spoke, voice laced with sarcasm. 

"How much did you even drink?"

"I dunno, how much did you pour in there?"

"I don't know."

This wasn't funny at all but I still giggled and rolled onto my side to look at Dean, who was staring at the stars. 

"How are you one of those people that don't watch sunsets?"

"We're back to this?"

"Yeah, it confuses me. Why not enjoy the sky while it's putting on such a show?" I still looked up, finding Orion's belt then traveling to Ursa Minor. 

"I guess I'm not a sunset person." Dean said, it was kind of sad, his voice. 

"I'll just have to make you one." I heard him chuckle softly and then there was some rustling before I felt his hand slip into mine. Thank god it's dark out, I'm pretty sure I'm red as a tomato.

"Do you know any constellations?" I hummed a "mhm". "Show me." I took my hand out of his and moved my head closer to his. I pointed straight up and then to the left a bit. 

"That there, that's the Ursa- the little dipper." I traced along the line of stars resembling what I think looks like a pot. "And right next to it," I moved my finger leading down the handle of the Ursa Minor. "the three stars, they are Orion's belt. That's about all I know apart from my star sign. That's Sagittarius. Over-" I searched for awhile before finding the stars. "oh- there."

I noticed that I had been rambling. I also noticed that during all of my talk about stars and constellations, Dean had been staring at me. Not looking at the same sky as me, or paying attention to what I was saying. He just looking at me.


"You're really cute when you talk about things you are passionate about."

"Thank you Dean."

"You're welcome Lacie."

Dean took my hand back into his and pulled me closer to him as I cuddled into his chest. We stayed like this for a bit before I started falling asleep and needed something to keep me up.



"Tell me about you."

"What would you like to know?"

"What all would you tell me?"

"Well, that depends."

"Depends on what Dean?"

"How drunk you are, Lacie, and how much of tonight you'll remember later."

"Oh please, I am super sober and I have the best memory in the whole town of Wisconsin- wait that's wrong." I was going to correct myself but Dean started laughing and as soon as I realized that what I said was funny as hell, I started laughing too.

I couldn't hear what Dean was saying completely clearly but I heard something like "I'll just tell you what won't freak you out."

"Well, Winchester, you've gotta keep it interesting. Start from the beginning."

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