just your average morning

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Lacie's POV

Why why why is it that I wake up to the smell of food in my empty house without Dean right next to me?

What the actual fuck?

There is no possible way that he is cooking for me.

It doesn't work like that.

Guys like that don't actually exist.

I rolled out of my bed then "walked" (attempted to but ended up stumbling which is close enough) to the kitchen where I found Dean standing over the stove. Cooking. Burgers.

I can't.

I was just going to go back to my room because this probably isn't real but as soon as I turned around I heard a voice behind me.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Beauty? Jesus fucking christ. "How'dya sleep?"

"I feel like shit." Was my only response. Dean returned by turning back to the kitchen table and grabbing a prepared glass of water and two ibuprofen. Then he offered them to me. "Oh. Thank you."

We smiled at each other for a second then I had to interrupt it because this was feeling too much like a chick flick.

"Whatchya got there?" I referred to the obvious four cheese burgers prepairing right behind him.

"Just some lunch."

"Sweet." I responded chalantly, pretending like I wasn't completely in love with this man now.

"Yeah. It was kinda nice having a real kitchen for once- I mean, a real cooked meal. My dad doesnt cook often and there isn't always stuff to make food around so its mostly diner food."

I couldn't respond right away. I had no clue what to say. Please don't respond with something stupid. Please! "Oh." God damn it.

All you could say was oh? Really? He just kinda poured his heart out and you responded with oh.


He kinda laughed so I guess it wasnt that bad but then he turned to face me all serious and shit.

"This is weird isn't it?" I cocked my head to the side, not knowing what he was referring to at the moment. "Me being over at your house." He did some motions with his hands and then laughrd and looked at his feet as if he were nervous. "Its not like this is a regular thing, inviting over people you dont completely know."

"Well I mean, all I can do is hope that you're not some mass murdering monster." He laughed so awkward that it was suspicious and I just looked confused. "I better not have gotten over four hours of detention for you just to be killed because that would just be rude."

We both laughed and Dean served up the plates and handed me mine.


It was 2:36, eighth period would have just began and Dean and I were sitting in my bed having a transformers marathon.

Halfway through the third one, I decided that Dean should probably get going.

"Its like 2:30." I said, sitting up and removing my head from where it had been in his lap and taking his hand off my waist.

"And?" He just took a sip out of the water bottle I had given him earlier. "You want me to go?" He sounded mock offended but completely.

"Nah, just that my brothers going to be home in like half an hour." I stood up to pick one of my cats up off my floor to cuddle with me but she ran away.

"Okay, well I'll just sneak out the window or something when he gets here if I'm not gone." He shrugged as if it were simple. Well, it was simple but things have a way of not going so smoothly all the time. Theres always something that's forgotten. "Maybe I'll just meet your brother. I'm sure he won't tattle if we bribe him well enough."

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