Chapter 24 and 3/4

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Jess stepped out of the bathroom and his head immediately swiveled towards the couch, where Cacee sat. She turned, and he froze in surprise as her eyes widened and ran up and down the length of him. Once. Then again, more slowly. And again, slower still. For the first time since their break up, her face flushed as her hand went to her heart in an obviously unconscious gesture.

Before Jess could think of something—anything—to keep her attention, Ray began dramatically coughing. Jess glared, his muscles bunching together. When he glanced back at Cacee, she was turned away.

He sighed as his eyes went to her neck, checking for the same thing he always checked for. She never wore his medallion over her shirt, but the black cord peeked out from underneath the red fabric. Jess's body relaxed. The fact that she hadn't thrown the medallion at him yet was another thing giving him hope that she just needed some time before she forgave him. Of course, she might be so pissed she would keep it just to spite him. He'd already decided he wouldn't ask for it back. If she kept the necklace, she kept it. All things considered, he owed her that much—even though losing it would feel like getting kicked in the nuts with a steel-toed boot.

As he thoughts went through his mind his eyes wandered back to Ray, who was now happily talking to Cacee. Jess's fists clenched and unclenched as small shocks of pain began peppering the back of his neck.

Splish. Splish. Splish. Over Ray's shoulder, Jess saw the washing machine erupt in a fury of suds and water. He choked back a laugh, knowing it would piss Cacee off. But, as Ray got up cursing, Jess realized here was his chance. Once Ray got his stupid washing machine to stop detonating, he'd offer to help Cacee clean up the mess.

In the meantime...

Jess leaned against the wall, prepared to enjoy watching Ray struggle with the shut-off valve. He hoped the handle broke off in Ray's stupid fist. He hoped the whole fucking warehouse flooded before Ray got the machine fixed. Dumbass.

His temper heated, wiping away the rest of his thoughts as he glared at Ray. He raised his hand, absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck.

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