Chapter 14.5

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Jess's jaw sagged and he snapped it shut. He kept his voice low so Cacee wouldn't get freaked out. "Who the hell are you? How do you know our names?"

The man looked over his shoulder. "I can explain what happened and get you two back home. Can I come in?"

Curiosity and relief made Jess step back and open the door.

Shane went at the man like a bullet.

Jess reached to catch the dog, as Cacee yelled, "Down, Shane!"

The man crouched and caught Shane in a hug as the pup tried to cover his face in kisses. The man said a few words, too low for Jess to understand, and Shane sat calmly, his tail skimming the floor. Weird.

The man stood and Jess saw his expression turn to surprise.

He followed the guy's gaze to Cacee, still sitting in the bed. She rocked lightly back and forth, her eyes glassy with shock. Jess's stomach tightened in alarm, but before he could ask if she was okay, the man spoke. "You wanna put some clothes on, kid?"

Jess looked at him. The man was scowling, his dark eyebrows drawn in harsh lines over strangely familiar blue eyes. Jess realized the guy hadn't been looking at Cacee, he'd been noting the indented pillow next to her or maybe the lack of blankets on the floor. He sat on the bed and put his arm around Cacee. "Naaah, I'm good. And my name's Jess."

Cacee scooted almost into his lap. Her body had turned to marble and she'd gone so pale she was gray.

He spoke quietly, "Cace? Cacee? What's wrong?"

She whispered, "Him. He's--that's--he's my--"

Jess looked at the man again. This time it clicked. Older and no longer grinning but definitely the guy from Cacee's picture. Was this her father? Cacee started trembling as her composure began to crack. He leaned down to talk in her ear. "Shhhh. It's okay. You want me to tell him to leave?"

She hesitated before whispering, "Not yet."

She slid her arms around his waist and tucked her head down against his chest. Jess told himself only an asshole would enjoy this. Her hair brushed his stomach and he tried to control his hormones, which didn't seem to care that they had a crisis going on.

He hugged Cacee and ran his hand over her head. Waking up in New York. Back in time. Mugged. Now the father who'd abandoned her? How much shit could she be expected to handle? He held her closer. "It's okay, babe. Easy now. I've got you. Shhhh." Slowly, she relaxed into him.

He returned his attention to the man and they glared at each-other. Now that Jess had a good idea who the guy was, he got the man's reaction to he and Cacee sharing a bed. Not that he cared. If this was her father, where the hell had he been her whole life? What made him think he had the right to stand there making snap judgments?

Jess spat his words. "You can start talking now."

The man raked his hand through his hair. "Cacee. Would you turn around, hon? I just want to talk to you. Don't be scared."

Jess growled. "Leave her be, she can hear you."

Cacee turned enough to look at the man. Shock had rinsed the blue from her eyes and left them gray and huge. Even her mouth had drained of color, leaving a pale pink bow that trembled. Jess watched her bite her lip, before taking a deep breath and squaring her small shoulders. The gestures made him want to lay the guy out. He distractedly rubbed the back of his neck, which had begun to lightly burn and prickle.

Cacee asked, "Who are you? Why are you here? Why didn't Shane bite you?"

The man spoke in a gentle voice. "My name is, Ray Brody." He paused, his expression both worried and expectant.

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