a night in with Harry!!

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I sat on the sofa watching Harry and Niall laugh at everything as they drunk more and more beers, Niall's laugh was intoxicating!! Everytime I heard it I just wanted to hear it again and again! I drank my beer and choked on it as Harry made another joke about Liam. "So Megan, where abouts do you live?" Harry asked turning his attention to me after I had laughed at his joke. I smiled at him and gulped my beer

"Erm I live in Cheshire actually" I said grabbing Harry's attention quicker than a taco in a hot girl's hand.

"No way where abouts??" Harry asked sitting up in his seat.

"Err in like the quieter parts of Middlewich" I said messing with my beer picking at the sticker of my bottle.

"Oh, so close to me then!!" Harry said smiling.

"Yeah really close actually!" I said not mentioning the times I had driven into Holmes Chapel and found Harry's house driving slowly past looking into the windows of his house trying to look for any sign of those bouncy brown curls!! If I lived in Ireland i'd be doing the exact same thing looking for niall's house and looking for that goofy guy's dirty blonde quiff! Harry nodded and watched me pick the sticker off my bottle, he nudged Niall and pointed his head in the direction of me. I watched them and frowned.

"What?" I asked watching the two of them smirking at eachother. "WHAT!" i shouted smirking myself now.

"I know when my girl needs 'attention' because she always picks the sticker off her beer bottle like you are now" he said making my eyebrows find their way to eachother.

"What do you mean 'attention'?" I asked. I was also shocked at the fact that Harry had a girlfriend! I had no idea he had one and i'm quite the directioner!! Harry smirked and chuckled.

"You know attention!!" Harry said smirking, his smirk was absolutely gorgeous!! I caught onto what he was saying and made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Oooohh!! if you don't mind me asking by the way . . . . Who is your girlfriend?" I asked Harry looked down to his beer and swore.

"I shouldn't of said anything. We're trying to keep it low key, if we got found out that was fine I'm happy with that, but I thought it might be nice for us to just have a little privacy before everyone found out, you know what I mean?" Harry said I nodded, he smiled showing his perfect teeth. "Her name's Anne! She gorgeous everything about her intrigues me the colour of her eyes, the way her nose crinkles when she finds something hilarious, the way she blushes Everytime I compliment her on her beauty, her body, hands, hair, lips ugh her lips . . They're so addictive I would kiss them all day, everyday if I could." He chuckled as he looked back up at me and saw my face, I was so close to crying at how cute he was about his girlfriend. "I really like her" he finished making my heart melt.

"Awww Harry, you're making me well up here!!" I said laughing at myself. I looked over to Niall to see him watching me with a smile on his face. I laughed as I looked at him, him laughing back at me. "I'd love to meet her, she sounds lovely!" I said, Harry nodded and his smile grew.

"Yeah that would be great! we'll have to organise something sometime soon!" Harry said looking genuinely excited about us two meeting eachother. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Definitely!" I said. I looked over to Niall and see him on his phone texting someone, he was smiling. I jumped next to him I put my hands on his shoulder, I then rested my chins on my hands, he turned his head to me and smirked at me, I felt massive butterflies as he looked at me our faces were so close to eachother it was unreal! I could feel his hot fresh breath on my face. I couldn't form any words for a couple of minutes realising how close we were to eachother. I smiled at him, he smiled back at me and winked and clicked his teeth as he did so. I felt the butterflies explode in my stomach again.

"Has our little Nialler got a crush then?" I said poking his cheek. He chuckled and looked back to his phone .

"There may be." Niall said smiling at his phone again.

"And is this crush on your phone?" I said peering at his phone and seeing Amy's name. I have to admit I was a little gutted to see her name and not a guy's name. He scoffed and shook his head.

"Nahh!! I love Amy, but after our little fling a couple of months ago I'm not too interested in that way anymore. She's just an amazing friend to me that's all" He said shrugging. I laughed and felt relieved I looked over to Harry and shrugged, Harry laughed and copied me as we took the piss out of Niall. He caught up on it and laughed at us. I smiled watching him.

I moved my hands away and leant my head on his shoulder feeling comfort straight away, I got comfy and lay there, my head jiggling everytime Niall laughed. "So who is your crush then?" I asked curious. I could feel him look at me.

"I didn't say I had one, i said maybe so I don't necessarily have a crush" he said smugly. I laughed at his cleverness.

"Okay then smarty pants!!" I said chuckling at him. I felt his arm go around my shoulders allowing me to cuddle closer into him, I felt so much comfier after he did that. He switched the conversation to football, I switched off not paying attention to the conversation, I felt so comfortable and snuggly warm that my eyes started to close soon enough I was fast asleep in Niall's arms.


okay so I'm really sorry for not updating in ages!! Anne is one of my best friends!! so that's why she is Harry's girlfriend is Anne, I adore her she's amazayn!! I'm babysitting right now so that's why i'm updating because well why not I have some spare time for once : P so please comment and vote on this chapter if you enjoyed it I would be rather grateful!! : D

Eliza xxx

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