Okay so yeah, my name's Megan i'm dating a guy called Richard Wisker (The guy on the right of my background) and i have been since i was 15. I'm now 17 so we've been together for two years and i've never thought about dating someone else or ever not being with him because once i was with Rich i loved him so much i never really looked at any other guy, but yes you guessed it i met someone and now all i think about is that person. That person is Niall Horan!!
See the deal with Rich is that he's always been acting ever since he was 13. He started off on The Bill and then he got a job on Tracy Beaker Returns until he was 17 and aswell as working on Tracy Beaker he was on Friday Download where One Direction have been on twice!! When they were on Rich invited them to a party he was holding and so basically Niall and I met there and now we've been texting ever since then!
To be honest though Rich and I have been a bit off for a while i mean i love him with all my heart, but he doesn't seem to be feeling the same way towards me anymore. He used to be all over me and never leave me alone, but now i can sit on the same sofa as him and he'll sit on the other side. Whereas a couple of months ago he would of been right next to me, cuddling and kissing me. I wouldn't say i would leave Rich for Niall because Rich and I have so much history that i would be stupid to leave Rich for someone i have just met, but having said that Niall is very hot and i have always loved him ever since One Direction formed, so i guess if Rich and I were to break up i would date Niall.
Anway i guess i should tell you about myself, i've got blonde hair that goes to the middle of my back it's curly naturally, but i straighten it alot of the time. I have blue eyes that are dark around the outside and light blue in the middle, they have green streaks in the middle. I think my eyes are my best feature if i'm honest. I have a size 6/ 8 figure i'm 17, which i've already said, but i just had to say it again :P I've got three older sisters called Steph, Sarah and Adele and a younger brother called Jake and an older brother Sam and Adele are 22, Sarah is 24, Steph is 25 and Jakey is 18 months old. All my sister's have boyfriends Adele's boyfriend is called Jamie, Sarah's boyfriend is called Tim, Steph's boyfriend in called Adam and Sam is married and has two little girl's. His wife is called Becca and his daughters are Ella and Ivy. Ella is 2 and Ivy is 1.
My best friend is Aidan Davis (The guy on the left on my background) he works on set with Rich and Aidan and i have known eachother ever since birth so we're so close that i can tell him absolutely anything and i mean anything!! Holly, Steph and Jade are my other grl bestfriends :D
Anyway back to what's happening right now so basically i'm sat in Rich's house on the sofa while he makes our tea. I'm sat watching New Girl, it's my favourite show at the moment i can't seem to get enough of it! "Megan do you want peas?" Rich shouts through from the kitchen i screw my face up and shake my head like mad.
"Errr no! I've never liked peas. I thought you knew that" I said walking into the kitchen seeing him stood there dishing our food out onto the plates. He shrugs still watching the food.
"I guess i forgot" He said i looked at the whole tea, chicken AGAIN!!
"Seriously Rich when are we gonna have something that's not chicken" I said laughing a little while i said it. Rich is obsessed with chicken it's all he eats i swear! He threw the pan into the sink and turns to me frowning.
"Why don't you f*cking make tea then! You never make me tea when i'm at yours so i would shut up if i was you!" He says pointing at me. I frowned at him and screwed my face up.
"Do you know why i never make you tea at my house?" I asked not really expecting an answer.
"Cause you don't know how to cook" He said taking his food and walking away from me. I frowned even more and followed him into the living room.
"No, it's because you're never at my house! I'm always travelling down to London to see you, spending money i don't have to see you. You never come and see me in Cheshire EVER! That's why i never cook for you!" I said pointing at him. He nodded slowly and bites into his chicken, not really paying attention. He grabs the remote and switches the channel over.
"Turn that shit off" He says referring to New Girl. My mouth droppped open.
"That's one of the best shows on the planet!" I said pointing to the telly. He ignored me and watched the telly. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the food he made me and ate it in the kitchen, once i finished it i walked back into the living room and sat next to Rich. I was testing him to see whether he would cuddle me or just sit there and not do anything. I sat as close as possible to him and watched the telly Match of the Day! Urg! I felt his hand on my shoulder, but then it vanished. I looked at him and saw him glance at me.
"You can cuddle me you know, i won't bite" I said smiling a little. He looked at me sending shivers down my spine from the look he gave me.
"Naa i'm good" He said I scoffed and crossed my arms turning back to the telly.
"Are you serious?" I asked turning to him. He looked back at me again as if i was poo on his shoe.
"Yeah i don't want to cuddle you, i'm too hot" He said, i turned back to him and shook my head. "WHAT?! If i don't want to cuddle you then i don't have to!" He said shouting a little.
"Do you know what i'll do you a favour, i'll go home!" I said standing up and grabbing my jacket and bag.
"FINALLY YOU GET THE F*CKING MESSAGE!" He shouted through the house. I couldn't believe him!! My mouth dropped open and i felt my eyes sting as i slammed the door behind me.
Heeeeyy, so i have wrote this story before, but this time i've changed it and don't worry there won't be that many parts of the story that are similar so there shouldn't be any chapters that you will think oh for god sake i've read this already because i'm planning to write it all differently! The main character's last name is going to be changed because in the other one i found out that there is actually someone with that name so i kinda freaked out. If you have any ideas for last names please let me know of anything it would be appreciated because i'm kinda stuck! :D I wrote the other one and i didn't like it at all so i deleted it and i'm starting again. I don't want it be cliche, but i think at the start it will be just because then it gets the story going and everything :D Pretty please vote and comment give me some feedback of what you think so far :D
Eliza xx