Amy and I pull up to the flats that we were at before. I look at her and frown. These were the flats Amy claimed to be hers. "I thought that these flats were your flats. Why are we here?" I asked looking at her. She looks at me and smiles.
"Well I knew you were a directioner so I didn't want to tell you Niall lived here because I knew you would freak, remember I didn't know at the time that you knew Niall so yeah I had to lie" She said. I smiled and nodded.
"That makes sense" I said. I opened the door and got out of the car, Amy doing the same. We walk up to the door and she presses Niall's flat number on the side of the wall. I looked at the door number and see that it's number 9! I love the number 9 I've never known why I just love it. I smile and Niall's voice sounds through the speaker.
"Yo mothertutter!!" Niall shouts, I laugh straight away and look at Amy. She laughing with me, but she's covering her mouth.
"Hiii" I say into the speaker. The door clicks and Niall doesn't answer. I pull the door open and look at Amy.
"I'm gonna go" She says pointing behind her shoulder. My eyes go wide and I grab her arm.
"What no, no, no!!" I say suddenly panicking. She smiles.
"Come on don't be silly, I've just seen him and he didn't seem that bothered seeing me so i'm gonna go because I doubt he wants to see me again. Plus you and him can chat about your idiot of a boyfriend!!" She says smiling and kissing my cheek before she takes her arm out of my hand and walks away. I watch her go and slowly walk into the building. I start to panic and worry about seeing Niall, about being on my own in a room with him, about whether I will do something stupid and ruin everything with Rich. I let the door close infront of me. I watch it lock and stop still. I wanted to unlock it and run out and back into Amy's car and drive home. I turn round slowly and take in the lobby of where Niall Horan and the rest of One Direction lives. I take in the massive ceiling and the chandeler that hangs from the ceiling.
I start walking out of the lobby and into the corridors. I could feel my panicing getting worse I carry on walking. "Meeeg!" I hear Niall shout from behind me. I turn round and see Niall stood there looking gorgeous, his hair flat and relaxed. His eyes bright blue staring straight back into mine. A big smile on his face that made him look even more attractive. His arms streched out for me to give him a hug. I feel a smile creep onto my face and my panicking relax. I walk into his arms and relax into them, his arms wrap around my body. "You alright?" He asks pulling back and holding onto my shoulders. I nod and smile at him. "What's wrong cat got your tongue?" He says his smile going slightly. I shake my head and stick my tongue out.
"No i'm just shocked about where you live and everything" I said looking around. He frowns at me and takes his hands off my shoulders and starts walking infront of me heading down the corridor he came from. I follow him and he turns to look at me.
"You've been here before Meg, why are you so shocked?" He says his smile creeping back onto his face. I frown.
"I've been here before? Are you sure because i'm sure i would remember somewhere like this" I say looking into his bright blue eyes. He nods and chuckles at me.
"You were here the night of Rich's party! Remember?" He asks turning a corner down another corridor. I follow him and frown looking down at the cream carpets, and at my burgundy converse.
"Noo i have no idea what you're on about" I say looking back at him starting to worry. He frowns and laughs at me.
"You were pretty drunk to be fair! I brought you back here because Rich was a dick to you?" He says raising his voice in a questioning way. I look at the floor again and i start to remember.