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A 8 years boy is shown wearing school uniform running in the playground. He is raman....(small naksh of yrkkh)
A 8 years girl is shown in school uniform running behind raman.she is shagun(small chakor of udaan dont compare shagun with that village chakor compare her with modern meera deosthale)
They r best friends.
Raman gets caught by shagun
They laugh

Raman- shagun we r best friends na
Shagun- yes we r bestest friends
Raman- and we will never break this friendship.pakka
Shagun- yes.we will never break our friendship.
Raman- so...
Shagun- lets continue playing.
They laugh
They continue playing.
They r shown playing hide and seek,then they r shown eating each others tiffin,then it is shown that raman has not done homework,shagun has done still she says she has not done.they both get punishment. They r standing outside and smiling .
One day a new girl is shown ,little tensed..
She is ishita(ruhanika dhawan).
Mrs iyer- ishu beta go ..go to ur new school
Ishita hugs mrs iyer- but amma im afraid if no one accepts me as their friend then
Mr and mrs iyer smile
Mr iyer- no ishu .everyone will accept u .u r very good as u r ur appa's princess
Ishita smiles
She goes inside . she enters her class.
Teacher - so children listen she is ur new friend Ishita.will everyone be sweet and friendly to her
Everybody- yes ma'am
Teacher- go sit

Ishita is confused where to sit
Teacher- wait ishita I'll make u sit with someone
Raman and shagun r talking continuously
Teacher- shagun get up from ur place and go and sit near shreyansh.
Shagun( sadly)- yes ma'am
She goes and sits next to shreyansh
Raman and shagun r looking at each other sadly
Teacher- Ishita go and sit with raman.he is intelligent and he will help u
Ishita goes and sits next to raman
Ishita feels sad
Raman notices
Raman- what happened.... Ishii.ishii.(he is unable to pronounce)
Ishita- Ishita
Raman- yes ! Ishita!!!!yes tell what happened why r u looking so upset
Ishita- actually I'm thinking that will anybody do friendship with me.
She again becomes sad

Raman feels sad for her
He smiles
Raman- yes why not..we can be friends
Ishita(happily)- really
Raman- yes I'll be ur new friend
He forwards his hand
Ishita also forwards
They shake hands
Ishita- thank u for being my friend.accha tell me about u and ur friends.
Raman- me , that u will come to know slowly, my friend I have only one friend shagun she is my bestir.she is very nice
Ishita- sorry I have separated u and shagun.
She holds her ears
Raman- no ishita plz we r friends and in friendship no sorry and thank u
Ishita still feels bad
She calls shagun
Shagun comes near her
Shagun- yes ishita what happened why did u call me.
Ishita holds her ears
Ishita- sorry shagun I have separated u and raman u both r best friends
Shagun- no ishita its ok I'm happy that some good girl is sitting with i think raman has made friendship with u so u and me also friends.
She forwards her hand
Ishita also forwards

They shake hands
Ishita- I'm so happy . my first day in school and ......and I have got two gud friends
They three smile..
Shagun goes and sits
Shagun ( to herself)-ishita is so sweet I have not seen any new girl or boy like her who doesn't care for their own friendship. Ishita feels she is coming in between us.she is so kind
Teacher goes
Ishita and raman send shreya's best friend who was sitting next to them ...they send her to shaguns place and they call shagun...
Shagun goes and sits with them

Three of them r enjoying very much...
They r making paper balls and throwing on teacher who is writing on the black one notices them throwing.. Teacher turns and shouts who is throwing ..ishragun behave innocent and do their work...
Teacher turns again .they three giggle .
Break time
They r eating each others tiffin
Ragun are enjoying ishita's tiffin
Ishita is happy
They r playing during recess ...
Bell rings for dismissal....
Mr and mrs iyer r waiting for ishita near the gate
They see her coming with raman and shagun ...smiling and laughing and giggling...
Mr and mrs iyer hally seeing their daughter happy.
Ishita sees mr and mrs iyer.
Ishita- will u both meet my amma and appa
Ragun- ya sure
She takes them to mr and mrs iyer
Ishita- amma appa see my new friends they r very gud...
Mr and mrs iyer say hello to ragun
Ragun- hello uncle aunty
Raman- aunty she is very cute..we enjoy playing with her
Shagun- yes aunty she is so sweet
Mrs iyer- and u both r also very sweet
They smile
Ragun says bye to ishita...
Raman goes to Mr and mrs bhalla
Shagun to Mr and mrs arora..

So how's it

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