part 17

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Ishits-ashok u..

Ashok- yeah me

Ishita-u r my friend..nd u did this…why…oooo u r joking….but please dont do these types of jokes i dont like

Ashok-no…its not a joke…its true…i have kidnapped u

Ishita(shouts)-why…why r u doing..

Ashok(shouts louder)-bcoz of u….u r marrying that idiot raman…i love u ishita….i love u …u r mine nd u will marry me…only me

He cups her face

Ishita moves back

Ishita-no…im just raman’s…dont dare to touch me..

Ashok-sorry baby u need to accept the fact now I will only touch u…u know I called pandit he told tomorrow is a gud muhrat…so tomorrow I’ll marry u…

He laughs nd leaves

Ishita cries…she is shocked by his behaviour…


She cries

Raman on the other hand is crying seeing ishita’s pic

Dil ka rishta sad version plays

Ishita feels some vibration

Ishita tries observing…nd remembers she kept two mobiles

She smiles

Ishita-thnk god I kept two mobiles.. But I’m tied how will I call raman

She shifts her chair forward till she reaches the pointed table

She rubs the rope till it cuts…

She gets up nd unties the rest

She takes out her mobile phone

She hugs the phone

She searches for network…still no signal as she is underground…

At last near the corner of the gate she gets the signal..

Ishita calls raman

Raman is still seeing ishita’s pic…he receives the call



She cries

Raman gets up

Raman-ishita…ishita u r there

Ishita -raman …listen to me before someone comes…

He wipes his tears nd listens to her

She narrates the whole incident

Raman-what…ashok….I had doubt on him when I met him first time

Ishita-i can’t believe he can………

****phone cut******

***not cut but snatched*****

None other than ashok khanna

Ishita turns back shocked and filled with fear

Ashok-so u called him na how dare u

He slaps her

He ties her again….as well as her mouth

Ashok-now dare u move…

He leaves

Ishita cries

Iyer house

Raman is running everywhere

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