part 6

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So here goes the next one-

Shagun wakes up
She goes to the next room to see ishra
She sees them and tries smiling but is not able to see them sleeping too close
She rushes back to ishita's room and locks the door
She sits on the bed
Shagun- whats happening to me i was the one who wanted ishita and raman together nd now i cant get jealous...ishita has helped me so many times she has supported me soo many times and i ....i cant make her happy by making ishita and raman i will become gud i have to sacrifice my luv ...
She cries
Ishra room
Ishita wakes up
She sees raman holding her close
She smiles
Raman wakes up
He sees ishita and smiles
He then realises he is holding ishita close to him
He at once removes his hand
They get up
Raman- im sorry...i ...i
Ishita- its ok
Raman smiles
Ishita smiles back
She goes to her room
She jumps in excitement
Ishita- i think he has the same feeling..o god I'm so happy yeah !!!
Raman in another room
Raman is also happy
Raman- she didn't said anything ...she had no problem that I was holding means...yeahhhhh!!!!!
He also jumps in excitement
Raman- so now ishita u will only have to propose me ...I will make u propose me
He smirks nd smiles
Ishita in her room
Ishita- so raman Bhalla u will have to propose me...I will not propose u but when u will propose me then I will think nd then accept ..
She grins
Ragun r leaving
Ishita is sad
Shagun notices
Shagun- what happened ishita .why r u looking upset..did anything happened r u fine
Ishita -shagun actually Amma appa r also not there so I will feel lonely nd Yesterday I was feeling so nice staying with u both ...please don't go plz stay here for just 3 more days after that Amma appa will return please
Shagun tries saying

Ishita- plz shagun don't say no plz

Shagun-but I have to take mumma papa's permission nd then I have to ask him to send my clothes

Ishita- OK ask and please make him say yes and raman u also talk to aunty

Raman- OK let me also try
Raman(to himself)-gud I think she will propose me later in these 3 days but before that I will have to ask
Ishita is worried thinking will ragun's parents agree.
Shagun is talking
Shagun- OK bye papa
She turns towards ishita
Ishita makes an expression of what happened
Shagun- ishita
Ishita- plz don't say no
Shagun- ishita actually .....actually
Ishita becomes upset
Shagun shouts happily-papa has agreed
Ishita gets happy- really
She hugs shagun
Ishita- I have never stayed alone in my house Thnk u ....u r staying here for 3 days
Shagun - so now pray that raman also says yes
Ishita- yes .....raman tell what aunty said
Raman-she said yes
They jump in joy as they r too happy
They three have a hug
Ishita-so now today we can go to club and party
Raman- woww nice idea ishita
Shagun- really!!its a gr8 idea
Shagun-so great today we will go to club nd enjoy nd make sure our parents don't come to know
Ishra- haa u r right
Shagun wears a pretty long middie its black with a silver broach in middle its a really pretty middi
Ishita wears a red middi with a white clutch and red boots
Raman wears white t shirt with dark blue jeans
Raman sees ishita
He gets engrossed in her beauty
Ishita- so ready
Shagun- yes so lets leave
Raman- ya sure come
The song is very loud
Everybody is dancing
Ishragun reach there
Ishita- lets have a drink
Ragun- ya
They r drinking
Ishita drinks more than usual
She feels dizzy
They have a dance
Shagun has also drank too much
Raman notices ishita
He comes to know she drank more
Many boys r trying to flirt with her and she is drunk so she is not saying anything
Raman comes
Raman- so baby let's go from here
1st boy- o hello who r u
Raman-im her boyfrnd any problem
2nd boy-no problem sorry
Raman takes ishita
Raman-im sorry ishita i said u baby in front of boys
Ishita - its ok raman u can say me baby or darling anything u want
Raman- ishita u sit down u r drunk
Ishita- no raman im not drunk
Raman - ishita u sit let me see where is shagun
He searches for shagun
He takes her near ishita he makes shagun sit
Raman- u both r too drunk so now lets go home
Ragun-so early
Raman- yes
Ishita stands
She slips
Raman holds her
They have an eyelock
Ishita- raman u r my life..u save me from everything,im really blessed to have a frnd like u raman i......
She stops
Raman smiles as he understood
Ishita- oye why r u smiling i did nt said anything
Raman- ok my mother lets leave
They leave

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