part 15

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Shagun opens her eyes

Ishita gets happy

Abhishek is looking down…he has not seen shagun


Abhi looks up

Ishita-shagun…r u fine…I got afraid u know….why did u do that

Shagun-ishita …ishita calm down I’m fine…and it was just a small accident

She hugs ishita

Shagun-bas….don’t cry ……I’m fine

Abhishek – shagun u know I got afraid….I thought I lost u….yaar ….I love u

Shagun is surprised by his confession

Ishita smiles

Ishita-i think I need to give some personal time to love birds

Abhishek nd shagun feel shy nd embarrassed

Ishita leaves

Abhishek-shagun…I think I should also leave…..I am sorry if I said something wrong…I just told u my feelings

He gets up to leave

Shagun holds his hand

Shagun-no….u didn’t said anything wrong

Abhishek gets shocked

He turns back

Shagun nods

Shaagun-yeah…I also love u…since I saw u first time

Abhishek hugs her

They cry and pacify each other

Ishita is outside the room

Raman comes

Raman-ishita why r u outside …come in

He forwards his hand to open the door

Ishita stops him

Ishita-no…don’t go inside

Raman-why some monster is there or what

Ishita-arrre…..raman …abhishek nd shagun r having some personal…love talks

Raman chuckles

Raman-personal…and love talks…means

Ishita-yes they have confessed

Raman-oo wow….we also had same confession

Ishita raises her one eyebrow

Raman-i mean u were also ill and shagun also

He winks

Ishita smiles

Abhishek is shown feeding shagun… He helps shagun get up..they r talking…blushing….kissing when no one is around

Ishra r smiling seeing newly loved couples

Shagun gets discharged

Abhishek asks Mr nd Mrs Arora that can he stay with shagun for a few days
They nod
A Boy is shown….ishita’s age only…

He is wearing red t shirt nd dark blue jeans….nd black goggles…. He is handsome
He is ashok
He knocks ishita’s door

Ishita is laughing with raman

She hears the knock nd goes to open

She opens nd gets shocked seeing ashok

Raman-ishita …who is there

He comes nd stands next to ishita

Ishita- ashok u…where were u since a long time…I didn’t saw u once I left the school…yes we used to talk on whatsapp…but u gave me a big surprise

She hugs him

Raman looks on with some jealousy as ashok is hugging ishita tightly

They break the hug
Ashok sees raman

Ashok-ishu …who’s he???

Ishita smiles

Ishita-he is my fiancé..

The word ….he is my fiancé is running around ashok's mind

Ashok- Fiancé…??..u r getting married

Ishita-yes…but why r u so shocked

Ashok's POV-
Ishu …u r just mine….how dare u marry someone else….no u can’t ….u r mine in all sense

Raman shakes ashok

Raman-r u fine

Ashok  nods nd gives a faint smile

Ishita-come in …we were going to have lunch come u also have with us

Ashok  nods

Ishita is serving

Ashok  is staring ishita….

Raman is feeling awkward….nd is feeling ashok's intention wrong

Raman pulls ishita by her waist

Ishita gets shocked by his move

Ashok  gets angry but doesnt show by his face

Raman- ashok don’t wanna know our love story

Ashok  (angry)-ya sure…why not

Ishita blushes

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