Ch. 10

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( 1 week later)

Morgan's POV

We finally found a house and bought it! We should be moving in one friday next week. I cant wait, its close by to Jerome and my friends.

Mitch looked happy about Jerome being close by. I was just surprised he want to move, instead of keeping this aparment. We got some breakfast when Mitch got swarmed with fans. I'm closterphobic (no clue how to spell that) so I had a panic attack.

I tightened my grip on his hand to give him a hint to back away. But, he just ignored it. I was about to brake down, I left go of his hand and walked in the store to wait for him.

After 20 minutes of sitting he came in.

Mitch's POV

I felt her tighten her grip, but I thought she was just nervous so I ignored it. After a while she let go of my hand,I was going to follow after her. But, I just let her go thinking she needed space.

When I walked back in she was just sitting on a bench with her head in her hands. I just put my hand on her shoulder, for her to look up. When I did she let a little scream out, people were looking.

All I could think about was her, why did she leave? Why did she get scared. Morgan are you okay, you left back there. Was all I could get out because I was shocked.

She gave a little smile and said " yeah, I'm fine. Its nothing don't worry". I knew something was wrong,I just sat down with her and gave a hug.

I then asked again, " whats wrong". This time her FAKE smile turned into and frown. She told me everything of what happened. Apparently shes closterphobic.

I told her to head back to the car while I got food.

Morgan's POV

I headed back to the car while Mitch got food. I just couldn't tell him I screamed. He might think my life was so jacked up he would break up with me. Maybe I should tell him. after all, he just wants to protect me, or so he claims.

But, if I tell him he will get to protective of me.

(15 minutes later)

When Mitch got back I had to tell him. I told him how when I was 7 I was kidnapped, when my foster parents went to the store. I also told him how I was beaten and kicked.

I knew what I told him was a mistake. He thinks i'm so screwed, I'm unhelpable. Ive been though so much that I scare him I bet.

I can't help it, Its scary trying to think its okay. My last boyfriend broke up with me because he was scared he was going to get hurt.

No one cared for me but Mitch. I feel bad he never gets guy time, because he's scared if he leaves me I'm going to get hurt.

When we got home I told him to go hang out with the guys and I will stay home. Like I said, he didn't listen because he's worried for me.

I just stayed in Mitch's and My room. Dreaming. Thinking. Confused whats real. Fear is how I fall. I didn't eat the rest of the day or talk. I talked to Mitch very little. So, I just slept.

A/n: It was longer than I thought. But, oh well. I hope your day is great and stuff, Bye

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