alexs family.

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Chapter 29.
Alex's family

"I have no idea have many times I've said this too you, Bailee." Alex said from the bathroom door.

I was in a pair of ripped jeans with a red crop too and short brown boots.

"but I'll say it as many times as I need too," he added.

my hair curled and had half up half down.

I had thick mascara on.

"your stunning." alex said.

I turned to him and smiled.

I followed him downstairs, nervous.

"what are you telling your family I am, to you?" I said.

alex stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"what do you want me to tell them," he said.

"anything," I shrugged.

he walked over to me and put his arms around me.

his hands right above my butt.

I was deathly terrified.

"well if I told them you where my girlfriend, they'd all be hella proud, but it'd be sorta lying," he shrugged.

"because," he added but the doorbell rang.

he made a face, and answered it.

"oh my gosh, really?" he said.

I walked to the door and saw, emery.

"I need to talk to you, right now." he said.

"I'm breaking up with you." he quickly said.

I looked at him.

"your happy here, I'm happy at home. maybe one day again, but for now I can't be with you. I keep cheating," he admitted.

"I love you, but I can't be with you. I love someone else more," he said.

but good luck," he said.

"wow." I said amazed.

I laughed.

he looked at me confused.

"well, what you still doing here?" I laughed.

he looked at me confused and walked away.

I felt an anchor off my chest.

"you took that very well," alex said.

"I was gonna do it myself," I laughed.

then Alex's mom came in the room.

"alex, this isn't a family party, only grandma will here the family party is in a couple more days," she smiled.

"oh, okay." he said.

the rest of the night we just hung out.

nobody really asked who I was.


I woke up to the doorbell ring.

it had been 5 days since I broke up with emery, since Kayla was declared in a coma, and since Alex's moms party.

I saw alex.

"I'll go get it," I said.

"no no, it's fine. sleep in, I know you didn't fall asleep last night, you were to worried about Kayla, and it's probably just a solicitor," he said rolling over and putting his arm around me.

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