Yassi Pressman & Tanner Mata- PBB Lucky Season 7 Dream Team

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Author's Note:
▪ I am deeply disappointed with Yassi's decision to give her spot in the Dream Team. My YasNer heart just broke at that. I felt really really bad for Tanner because it seemed like his efforts have all gone to waste. He expected and then in the end got nothing. Imagine how disheartening was that. Anyway I truly wish their romance will pursue when he finally gets out of the PBB house. I would definitely love to see them together for REAL. For now I will just satisfy myself with fanfics. Oh the dillema of every fangirl! So REAL!
▪ This is for all of my co-YasNer fans out there! Labyu mga bes! Kapit lang! We will never know what might happen in the future anyway. Malay niyo di ba? Hehe 😉
▪ I changed some lines in their convo to put the right feels. Apologies.
▪ THIS IS A COMPLETE WORK OF FICTION. Please do not be misguided.

Happy reading! ☺


I want to see her. Her petite frame, her cute face, her pretty smile, I really really want to see them all. But right now I just can't. Because at the moment, I can't see anything. Kuya told us (the boys) to wear a pair of goggles to hinder our sight while helping our chosen princess on her task to become the 4th lucky star.

Ugh! Stupid goggles.

When Kuya asked me who do I want to help in the challenge for the 4th lucky star of course without second thoughts I chose her. Aside from the fact that I want to repay her the favor for bringing me my favorite Oreo cookies during her last visit, I admit that in that short span of time, I honestly came to like her.

You can call it a crush I guess. I even remember that I felt really disappointed when the time came that she already needed to left the house (I was even more surprised with own feelings back then though) because truthfully, I wanna spend more time with her to know her better. She really seemed to be the kind of girl that I can get along with really well. She's smart, outgoing, cheerful, friendly and a one heck of a very beautiful lady. Who wouldn't fall in the first place?

Fall?  My own words are really shocking me.

"Guys be fast ah!" I heard her say all of a sudden.

With that my heart suddenly beats faster. I can feel the adrenaline strongly rushing within me, as well as the powerful urge to win this challenge just for her sake. My natural competitive trait instantly became an instinct now. But what's crazy is that admist of all these, I can't help this overwhelming feeling of happiness that is clearly manifested in this big smile which has been plastered on my face all the while.

As per Maymay's words I think I'm buang na!

"Peksman!" I responded to her eagerly.

"Yay! Thank you! Thank you guys!" She exclaimed happily.

We proceeded to the challenge. The thing is we had to get these packages from those different obstacles placed in the activity area by only relying on her instructions since we can't see anything. Whichever team gets the least time to finish will be hailed as the winner. Then, that particular team's chosen princess will get the 4th lucky star and eventually become the third to the last member of the Dream Team. Of course I desperately wanted it to be her. This could be the chance that I've been waiting all along. Actually, the chance that I've been wishing for ever since I met her.

Thankfully Nonong, Jerome and I managed to do the task without too much difficulty. If you would ask me, I think we pretty much did a great job actually. If my hunch is correct we did the whole thing for just roughly 10 minutes.

"Kuya tapos na po! All done. Thanks guys! Salamat salamat!" She ecstatically declared after everything.

I reached out my hand to her. Although I am not sure where is she exactly, I just lifted my hand up to the direction closest to where I can clearly hear her voice. At the moment I just really wanted to hold her in my arms. I've missed her so so bad. Not being able to see her is literally quite a pure torture in itself so if I get to feel even just the touch of her hand now, I will be greatly satisfied. For now.

Few moments passed I felt someone grabbed my hand. It was a warm, small and soft hand. My smile widens at that.

"Thank you Tanner. Thank you! Uy sorry ah wala akong dalang cookies para sa'yo." She uttered sweetly.

So ok. As much as it will sound really cheesy though, but my heart just went into a crazy bizarre state at that. Just like a lovesick teenager. I guess what I am feeling right now is that thing that they call 'kilig' in Tagalog.

Geez! I thought laughingly at myself.

After a while I cleared my throat, tried to contain the 'kilig' to myself with all my might and earnestly replied. "It's ok. Pero we didn't came here for the cookies, we came here to get you."

I knew she would smile at that.

And how I wish I get to see how my beautiful Princess Yassi actually did.

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