Chapter 6 - Men

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Everything went according to the plan. I managed to set all tables and chairs around the restaurant, decorated the walls and contacted the local newspaper to publish the exciting news about our big opening. On Tuesday first people came for the interviews to fill occupations for waitresses and chefs. I run every detail by Lory and she was happy how much work I had put into everything. It was hard with all on my plate; school, SAT's, working in the diner and opening a business.

And now, on Friday early morning I woke up with a massive headache. I looked around in my room, everything spinning around like a merry go around, puke travelled up to my trout and I dry heaved. I fell back into my warm bed and pulled the duvet over my head, blocking sun light what made everything much worse.


I breath out, air circles, my nostrils filling with a wave of my morning breath. I'm not going, no school, no work, no party. I swallow hard, mouth dry; desperate for water. I close my eyes, hoping that if I squeeze my eyes shut hard enough, maybe sleep will come and delete that pinning feeling in my head.

God dammet, nothing.

I open my eyes, staring into darkness, provided by my duvet.

"School. Now!" I hear my mom open the bedroom door and step in.

"I'm not going!" I say, still hiding under my covers. "What's wrong? You ill?" I feel the madras dip under her weight and a hand pokes me. I kick off my cover and get instantly blinded by streams of sun peaking from my bedroom window. "I have the worst headache of this century; do we have any Advil?" I ask her. My pink silk nightgown sticks to my bare skin. "Maybe. Let me check!" Mom disappears for a minute and returns with a glass of water and a bottle of Advil. I take one and pop it into my mouth; bitter taste makes me dry heave once again and I gulp down water with only one breath. Pressure was getting to me. I hadn't slept well for few days and sleep depravation had rolled into my daily plan.

"Get ready. You don't want to be late for school!" My mom opens curtains all the way, blinding me with morning sun's red and yellow light. As she exits, I fall back onto my bed, palms on my eyes. There wasn't nothing worse in this life than a migraine what made your head spin so fast you lost track of ground. Somehow I still manage to get up and take a shower and when I reach downstairs, I'm all alone. Mom had already left for work and a cup of coffee was waiting for me on the dinner table. I pour it into a small cup-thermos and take it with me. If there was anything in the world what could fix a headache, it was coffee.

"You will be coming to the party tonight, aren't you?" Matt asks me. We sit in the cafeteria, Matt across the table from me, Liana to my left and Marc to my right. Liana Miller, a girl with light brown curly hair and the bluest eyed I had ever seen in my life, nudged me with her elbow. "It's our last year. Of course she's coming!" I look at her, smile appears on my lips. "I talked to Jason, there is no way she's skipping Crazy Monkeys this year." Matt adds and slaps Mike's shoulder. Mike Miller, Liana's twin brother was Matt's best friend and one of the popular kids in the school. People at our table, all looked at me, questioning expressions on their faces. "Well, I guess that this means I'm coming!" I reply, I shuffle throw my pot roast, fishing out the best bits. "Yeah, you better come. I can't drink this time, so I can drive you back home later." Matt adds with sad puppy dog eyes.

"I..." I'm cut off when I feel somebody stand behind me. I turn to find Jordan, all 6'2 of him leaning agains my chair, his hands gripping the chair both sides of my shoulders . "Matt, can I talk to you for a moment?" He says, looking down at me and I freeze as his gray eyes make contact with mine. "Yeah!" Matt stands up and they walk away. I keep staring, when I feel Liana nudge my side again. "What's this about?" She asks, whispering. I shake my head," No glue." After 10 minutes, Matt returns, a wide smile plastered on his face. He pops down on his place and digs into his cold food. Everyone turn to him, questioning what they had talked about. He looks up from his plate and his smile even widens. His eyes are all on me when he answers.

" You'll see!"


After a tireing night in the diner, I'm standing infront of my bathroom mirror, applying the finishing touches to my make up. I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top with silver strips running across my breast area and my black leather jacket. Depressing color, but I do look quite slim and thin in this outfit. I leave my hair down, curl it a little bit and pull on my knee high black heeled boots. I was going all out, dressing up for the last Crazy Monkeys party.

I'm second guessing what perfume to wear when Jason sticks in his head from my slightly open bedroom door.

"Knock, knock! You decent?" He covers his eyes, knocking on the doorframe. "Yeap!" I reply and pick up a bottle of Dolce&Cabbana's 'The One'. It was a Christmas present from Jason last year and had become one of my favorites. "Wow!" He says as I turn to face him. "I don't want to sound creepy and disgusting, but I'd hit that!" He raises his eye brows and I smile in his response. "So, I look ok?" I twirl around, my short curly hair waving. "Didn't I just say that?" He pops down on my bed. He had also dressed up more than usual. His dark brown hair was still all moist, wearing a navy colored dress shirt and black dress pants. Black leather shoes completed his outfit for the night.

"We should get going. Matt texted me a minute ago, he's on his way." I crab my phone and some money, just in case. We never knew if Matt would bail on us and start drinking, and the only way home would be calling a cab. I follow Jason downstairs, careful not to drip in these sky high boots. He sees my struggle and crabs me by my hand. "You woman like to wear these killer shoes even though you have trouble standing up!" He laughs as I almost drip and pull him with me. "You see! Killer!" He points out and I slap his shoulder. "Oh shut up!" Three short honks and one long one- Matt's here. It's already dark outside when we get going. Matt leans against his car when we reach him. "Wow, you look different?" His mouth falls open and I twirl like a small school girl, showing myself off.

The top I was wearing made my boobs look bigger than usual. And Mike noticed. "Who are you planning to hunt with your pair?" He points to my combo, circeling his finger, eyes squinting. "No one. Does dressing up and wearing make up always means that girls are going guy-hunting?" I open the BMW's back door and lean against it. Boys look at each other and answer in the same time:* Pretty much!" I laugh and sit in the car.


They don't really understand why we dress up. It wasn't just to look beautiful and confident, it wasn't about seducing men - most of the time; it was about a chance to wear something that made your lovely curves stand out, your eyes prettier and hair nicer- for yourself. At least I thought so. Most of the Upper Crust girls did this for catching their next pray. 


They saw beauty, but most of the times they ignored YOU.

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