Chapter 8 - The Kiss

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I climb up the stairs and find myself in a long corridor what spread to 2 directions. Matt's bedroom was on the east wing so I turned to my left and walk to toward the last door in the end. But before I can reach half way, a door on my right opens and out runs Jordan. We bump into each other.
"What the???"
I steady myself, crabbing his jacket and provent myself from falling backwards. "Run!" He says. "What?" I release him. "Run," he crabs my hand and starts pulling me with him.
"Why would I...?" I turn around while I'm dragged toward the stairs and see Tiffany, all angry and face cherry red come throw the door Jordan had exited a minute ago.
"You dirty bitch!" She yells from the top of her lungs as she sees me, Jordan's hand still griping me. If you didn't know her, you wouldn't have been afraid of her killing look. Some people were afraid of dogs, speed, heights. Me? I was afraid of getting between her nails and Jordan's face.

I slide his hand off mine and brush by him, my only way out down the stairs. My heels make a loud noise as I run down, careful not to drip and land face first on the tiled floor. For a second, I think I'm safe from Tiffany but as I reach Matt's kitchen, I'm pulled backwards into a walk-in closet. "Shhh..." a palm is pushed against mouth. I can't see a things, we are in total darkness.
"What are you doing?" I manage to say, his hand still pressed against my lips. "Shh..." Jordan whispers behind me, his breath hits my bare neck. "I think she's gone. But better stay here for a moment or two, so we can be absolutely sure that we're safe!" Slowly his hand lowers, his front still pressed against my back.
"You don't have to stand so close to me!" I reply, taking out my phone and turning on the flashlight app. I set it on dim and look around in the space we were cramped in. There was barely any room for us to move.
Behind us, shelves filled with cardboard boxes and cans of different chemicals. On the right, jackets were hung on racks; on the right a tall cabinet. I looked everywhere except him. Even though we were face to face, I still scanned the closet's floor for obstacles.

"What was all this about?" I lean against the door and wish that no one has an idea to open it. "She's angry about something I did!" Wow, no shit. The girl looked like she had been insulated or broken up with. Did he break up with him?

"I don't have to be here so....!" I was about to open the door but Decker pulls me backwards, making me unable to reach for the door knob.

"I strongly advise you not to go in there right now," he whispers into my right ear, one hand around my stomach," when she's pissed, you will be the first one she will dig her nails into!"  Me? I had nothing to do with their relationship drama, being dragged to the closet was Jordan's idea. Oh, I wish I would have run to the front door not the kitchen. "You are very mistaken. She's your problem, not mine. So excuse me but I'll go."
I can't even move, His hand pulls me backwards once again and he comes to stand in front of the door. "It was just a pure accident that I bumped into you upstairs, but Tiffany might think otherwise." His brows form a single line. I look at him, questioning face illuminating from the light.

" I told her I met someone else. She got pissed."

He actually dumped her. The queen of King Valley, was dumped for another girl. Another girl? And I was standing in a closet with Jordan, just a warm light offering enough light so we could see each other.

For two years, I wished that the schools power couple would break up. It was selfish, I know. But now on the last year I had given up any hope to be seen differently by the guy standing in front of me. He turns around and opens the door, just a little bit. The sound of music and people talking is all we hear. But as fast he had opened the closets door he closes it.

"She's in the living room!" He says quietly, leaning back against the door. "We can't sit here very much longer," I look back behind me and lean against the shelf.

"People are going to look for us!" Jason was the one I was worried about, he would check on me time to time and if he would talk to Matt, he knew I wasn't with him.

"That brother of yours, he is a bit of work. Can that guy be more selfish?" Jordan wraps his arms across his chest, a wide smirk on his lips.

"What do you mean? My brother is one of the nicest guys in here!"

"Hey, he drags you in here. A party you don't like. You don't drink, chase guys. Why would he bring you here ah?"

Decker leans in, our faces few inch apart. His breath smells of a mixture of mint, beer and something I can't identify.

"I wanted to come, he didn't made me." He seriously had something against him.

"Don't lie to me, Juliet. You haven't been on any of the Crazy Monkey parties, why would you dress up like this- revealing and almost hot? He knew about something that was going to happen tonight, didn't he?" The way he said my name, melted my inside into a small mess. And.... wait a second. Almost hot? I looked myself from top to toe. My clothes didn't reveal enough skin, they hugged me perfectly.

"The way I dress doesn't concern you or anyone else. I think I am the only girl here who has enough clothes on. And stop insulting my brother!"

I also cross my hands on my chest.

" Matt told him, didn't he? I asked him a spare room upstairs for talking to Tiffany, and he came running to Jason about it."

" What are talking about?" Was this it he wanted to talk to Matt about the other day in cafeteria? Asking for a room to break up with Tiffany on the party?

" You like me, don't you? I can see it in your eyes!" I stand there, speechless. My feet are glued to the floor and nowhere to escape.

"No!" I shake my head. But I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Don't lie to me Juliet. I know you do. Everyone does." That self-loving bastard. This was true, but I wasn't going to add gasoline to his fire. All I could do was deny.

"Don't think so highly of yourself Decker. Not every girl thinks you are pantie-dropping handsome." All he returns is a smirk.

"Please, I have noticed you looking at me with your kitten eyes. You want to eat me alive." Oh no, he noticed. And he was arrogant about it.

"Shut up!" I couldn't look at him, my eyes glued to the floor.

"Hey, I'm just stating a fact here. You love me, don't you?" You could hear a laughter in his tone, my inside sunk into my boot, heart started pounding with a rapid speed what made me hear pulsing in my ears.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I repeated, over and over again.

"Make me!" I swear I was ready to punch him into his beautiful face, but I did the unthinkable. I grabbed him by his neck and pulled his face to mine. My lips covered his with a wild manner, sucking his lower lip. There was no response, only his deep breaths making his chest move against me. One second. Two seconds. Forever. His hands stood limb by his sides, mine around his neck pulling him even harder against my body. I opened my eyes to look at him and he was staring down at me. His grey eyes had a slight hint of blue in them, his irises big and shiny. I stopped, pulled away slightly an inch separating our faces. His breath hits my face and I could feel how he tasted. I let go of him and take a step back.

"I.... um....," my mind is blank, I stare into his eyes, "I'm sorry?"

God deemed, what the hell was wrong with me?

"I... um.... I need to go!"

I crab my phone and push past him. But before my hand reaches for the door knob, the closets door open. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" Matt says, as I walk past him, to afraid to look back.

"Juliet!" I hear him yell, but right now I had to leave.

Licorice- he tasted like licorice.

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