Chapter 23 - The closet

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I had no idea what Colleen was planning to do but for some reason, I started to think that she was planning all of it alone. Though Jason was out with his former teammates and I had no knowledge where Matt was, I suspected them all to be screaming some sort of a plan together.
An hour after I arrived home, Colleen called me to tell that she was on her way to pick me up. I hadn't even showered yet and my hair needed some grooming.
I jumped into the shower and scrubbed like a mad woman. The thought of facing Jordan again made my hair stand up on my hands. What the hell was Colleen trying to do? To set us up?
Halfway rinsing my hair I heard the doorbell and some loud knocking.
I turned the shower off and pulled a towel around my body. The water was still dripping from my wet hair as I walked downstairs and opened the front door.
"You are not ready yet?" Colleen asked, walking past me.
"You said two hours. I thought I still had time."
"I did? I'm sorry. Ok, no worries. But some nice clothes on and meet me in the car. You can towel dry your hair while we drive."
She kept her hand on the doorknob as she talked fast, like really fast.
"Can I ask where are we going?" I tightened the knot on my towel.
"Matt's house." She replied and opened the door.
"I'll be in the car."
When Colleen walked out and closed the door behind her, I run back upstairs and got dressed. I grabbed a clean towel with me and run out the door, my shoes barely on.
"Are you going to tell me what you are planning to do?"
She doesn't answer as I settle into the car seat and buckle myself.
On the way, I ask Colleen why are we going to Matt's house, who else is involved with her plan to make Decker confess his real feeling for me? She stays quiet and only snickers.
When we approach Matt's house I see cars parked out front. Matt is standing on the front stairs, checking the time on his watch.
As he notices us parking the car, he strolls to the driver's side.
"Where have you been? I can't keep him busy anymore. He has been trying to leave for the last half an hour. I had to spill some beer on his shirt so he'd go to the toilet to clean himself up."
Matt says and I step out from the car.
"It took longer than I figured." Colleen takes her purse from the backseat and tosses it over her shoulder.
"Hey." I greet Matt but he ignores me. What a jerk.
"Now go inside. I want to talk to Juliet for a sec and don't let Decker outside. Then we would be busted."
"Alright. Alright."
Matt comes to hug me.
"What the hell is going on? I come off the plane and got Colleen talking about Jordan having feelings for me in the car. And why didn't you call me?" I slap his shoulder and get furious at him.
"Too many questions. I only want one honest answer from you. We are helping you out. Do you still want Decker?" He asks.
"Yes. No. I don't know anymore. It is all so confusing from the start."
I lower my head in shame.
"You'll find out soon enough. Now. Let's go." He starts walking me to the door and I can't help but tremble. I am so afraid of what's going to happen.
Once inside I see people drinking and dancing, couples kissing on the living room sofas and of course groping each other.
Matt takes my hand and pulls me toward the kitchen. I follow him, almost dragging my feet to make the journey as long as possible.
When we walk in the kitchen, he pulls the door of the walk in closet open.
"Go inside."
"What? No!" I take a step back.
"Trust me on this, ok? Go inside." He tells me.
"I know now what you have planned. It's not going to work."
"You don't know anything. Now, go inside and stay quiet." He almost pushes me into the closet and tries to close the door.
I slam my hand against it, stopping it.
"You couldn't pick a better place for this?" I ask and he smirks.
"After all. It's where it all started, didn't it?" My cheeks flush, remembering the kiss.
"Now, stop whining and stay quiet." Then he closes the door.
It's pitch black in here and I slump against the shelf behind me.
Minutes later the door opens and Colleen pushes Decker inside. He turns but the door closes so fast that he is unable to shove his feet into it.
"Let me out of here, Colleen." He yells and slams his hand against the wooden door.
"They aren't opening the door," I say and he almost jumps from the surprise.
"What is going on?" He asks.
"I have no idea." I lie.
"Colleen. Let me out of here or I will break down this door." He barks.
No one replies.
He pushes me aside and starts to gather some speed but I stop him.
"You'll hurt yourself. Don't do it." I ask him not to break down the door.
"What do you want me to do then, huh?" His breath hits my face as he talks. I don't see his face but I am absolutely certain that he is pissed.
"I want you to listen to me," I say without thinking before.
"About what?"
"I need to get this off my chest, so don't interrupt me, ok? Just listen."
I tell him and take my phone out from my pocket. I turn the flashlight app on and put it behind me on a shelf. I want to see his face when I talk to him.
Jordan doesn't say a word.
"Alright. I know that I have feelings for you. I have been having them for years. You were just a crush of mine, nothing else. I saw how girls tried to get your attention and I didn't want to be same. I stayed away. I locked my feeling inside, deep so I wouldn't get the urge to get your attention. But then on Matt's party, I pumped into you upstairs. You told me to run and I freaked. I don't know why you dragged me into this closet that night or why you talked shit about my brother but I knew that you didn't do that on purpose. I am sorry about the kiss. I have apologized so many times already and I will continue if needed." I take a breath and continue.
"Everything after that got weird. I felt embarrassed and sad so much that I couldn't even come to school. I was certain you had already told everyone that a poor little nerd like me had pressed her lips on yours. I tried to ignore you, but you kept on teasing me. That fight between you and Jason, that night when you saved me from Parker- I didn't know what to think anymore. Things got complicated and I was in that mess, alone."
Jordan opens his mouth to say something but I hold up my hand.
"Let me finish, ok? So when we got picked for the game, my hands started to shake. I didn't want to be so close to you. But literally, we got so close that when I sat on your lap, facing you, I wanted to kiss you for the second time. Then you drove me home and I swear I thought you were the one to kiss me. Anyway, I understood you when you said that even though I have feelings for you, we couldn't have anything between us. I know I am out of your league. I accepted it. I wanted to move on and forget about all of it. And then, you buy these flowers and write those words on the card. You apologized for what? I went to the airport next morning and saw you sitting in the lounge. I wanted to ask you about the gifts but it was too late. Your flight was called in and so did mine." I am almost crying now.

I turn to not face him, so I wouldn't see his face while I am going to say the next thing.

"I know you haven't got any sort of feeling toward me but Colleen and my brother think otherwise. I understand if you are mad at me or pissed. But please don't judge me for confessing. It's over now. I will go back to New York soon and try to forget all about you."

"Shut up!" Jordan says softly behind me.

"Shut up, stop talking. I can't pare it anymore." He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me around.

I lower my head in shame but feel him move toward me. His shoes touches mine and he puts one finger under my chin. When he raises my head gently, I feel tears pouring down my cheeks.

Slowly he lowers his head and without touching his lips hover over mine. My breathing slows down, my lips feel cold and dry as he eyes me.

"What are you doing?" I ask my words almost a whisper.

"Replying to your question." His lips meet mine and his hands travel around my waist, pulling me forward. His left arm comes up to touch my cheek. When he pulls away, I can taste the licorice in my mouth.

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