Chapter 20 - Graduation day

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When we reach the front of our school, the parking lot is full of cars and there is no room to park. Mom lets me and Jason get out and then drives to a residential area to park her car in a driveway that leads to her friend's house.
Jason walks straight into the school, meeting his formal teammates on the way. I stay put, waiting for our mom. Soon I notice her in the crowd and wave my hand in the air. Accidentally I step on the tail of my gown, cursing silently when I try to untangle my heel from the mess.
"Last day. The last day before I lose my daughter." She hugs me from my side and we start walking toward the front door.
"Don't say it like that mom, I will come home ever so often." I laugh and put my arm around her waist.
"Yeah, I know but still... the happiest and saddest day of my life."
She starts sniffling and I smile under my breath.
When we reach the door, she holds it open for me.
"Did you pack all your stuff? Your plane leaves tomorrow at ten." She asks.
"Yes. I'm all set."
My mom is the greatest. Since dad left, she has been all supportive and respectful to us, kids choices. I guess she wants us to have everything we could dream of. Though, she was actually really happy when Jason got kicked out of the football team. I understood why. He had pushed his studies to the background, focusing on his football games.
An hour later we all sit on the chairs in the auditorium, listening to the principal's speech. Laney sits on my left, her eyes full of tears. She keeps wiping her eyes with a tissue but tears keep on coming.
"What's wrong?" I try to ask her as quietly as possible.
"It's just that I won't have to come back in here ever again." She sniffles and tucks the tissue paper into the sleeve of her gown.
"And you are sad about it?"
"No, these are happy tears. So happy, happy, happy tears." Her lips curl up into a smile.
I laugh at the way she said happy so many times. I also was happy that I was graduating and leaving King Valley but I was also sad, afraid and furious. The latter, furious about my stupid brain.
I glance at Jordan Decker who is sitting two rows ahead of me. Jason was wrong. He had no feelings for me. This was the truth.
Colleen had said the same thing to me but I refused to believe her. What did they see that I didn't? Why did they keep saying to me that Jordan Decker, the first A grade student, captain of the football team and the gorgeous guy in school had any feelings for me?
He didn't. I was sure about that.
Over the last week, I hadn't talked to him once and hardly saw him around the school. Championship games ended with Crazy Monkeys winning. He truly was the hero of this school.
And when I was now ready to leave, I couldn't think back what I had done to catch the attention of Jordan Decker. For the past two and a half years, I had admired him from far. I was jealous of him being with Tiffany but never tried to catch his attention. And as soon as he dumped that rich spoiled girl, I went and kissed him. I kissed the Golden boy everyone loved so much.
There was a reason I avoided the Crazy Monkeys parties. I hated the crowd that went there. But since it was our last year in King Valley, I decided to go, ignoring my inner voice. Best and worst decision I've ever made.
Tiffany hadn't scratched my eyes out because there wasn't actually a reason too. I was safe from her manicured claws. I don't know how or why, but after the first Championship game, she didn't even look at me anymore. After what I saw at the first game, I thought later he and she got back together.
She hadn't done anything to torture me.
After the headmaster's speech, we got handed our diplomas. I walked down the stage and toward my mom but got struck by Matt's hands circling my body. He raised me in the air and twirled around. I gasped when he suddenly dropped me on my feet.
"We are done. I am going to sit in my car, turn on the ignition and speed off, knowing I will never raise a foot in this place." He says, the biggest smile on his face.
"Don't be so sure."
"Why not?"
"Because in four years you will be back here for a reunion." Jordan walks up to us, removing his gown. Underneath he has a pair of navy colored jeans and a white button up shirt, first two buttons were undone.
"Noup, I won't set foot in this place ever again. Reunion or whatever, I will stand outside that door, laughing." Matt replies, emphasis on laughing.
"Oh, and I thought you would be naked underneath that huge piece of cloth."
A lump raised up in my throat, making me swallow repeatedly.
"Have some decency. But I am sure you have no clothes on under that. Am I right?" Jordan asks and I turn to look at Matt.
He grins.
"Oh gross, you just hugged me." I start to gag and his grin disappears.
"Come on, there are so many layers of clothing between us, you didn't even felt it."
"Still," I shiver.
My mom comes to pat me on my shoulder but then some woman comes and hugs her. She turns and starts a conversation with her. Matt whispers something to Decker's ear and they both burst out laughing. Then they look at me.
Matt raises his finger and points at behind me. I raise the tail of my gown and turn.
Decker's sister, Colleen is standing in front of my brother and they are talking. So they did know each other and the second later he lowers his head to kiss her.
"What? How?" I mumble when I keep looking at them kissing.
"That's why I bailed on the night of the dance. I called Jason to tell him Colleen was in town and he should go see her." Matt tells me.
"They were dating secretly for the senior year. Then she moved to Vancouver and he went to Chicago. Their relationship ended because of the distance between them." Jordan adds.
Some girl calls Matt's name and he smiles. It's the same girl he was in Lory's restaurant on the opening night.
"I will be right back." Matt kisses my forehead and beads toward Sara. He leaves me and Decker standing alone in the crowd. Now when there is only two of us, I turn to see where is my mom.
"So you leave tomorrow morning?" Decker asks and I turn.
"Me too." He replies, his eyes set on mine.
The following silence between us is defending.
I clear my throat.
"So... what did you do with your fifty bucks?" I ask and he scans the crowd.
"Nothing. I am saving it for something I plan to do soon."
"Oh. For something fun?"
"No, something I need to do."
I start to take my gown off and his eyes follow my fingers opening the buttons.
"You? You spent your share of our money?" He asks.
I step out from my gown and hang it over my arm.
"No. Saving it, like you," I tell him.
"For something fun?" He asks in return.
I shake my head.
"No, for rainy days."
I hear my mom from the background and turn. She is holding a bunch of pink roses and a card in the other.
"Listen, I wanted to ask you something," Decker says but gets interrupted by my mom closing in on us.
"These are for you." She hands me the flowers and the card.
"You bought me flowers?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "No, someone gave them to Jason and he told me to pass them on to you.
"Oh, alright." I try to balance the bouquet against my side and open the card. My heart sinks at the words written on it.

I am sorry for all.
Forgive me.
Here's my fifty bucks.
I hope you like the flowers.

I turn to face him, but he is gone.

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