Twin Beds (Linh & Tam)

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Linh was curled up in her room crying softly. The pillow beneath her was wet. She could still her hear father yelling downstairs, and her mother agreeing with her husband's every word. Saying what little ingrates they were, how they were nothing but a pair of mistakes, and wondering how he could have ever given birth to such flawed children. Seliana, their nanny, told them he didn't really mean it, he was just upset and tired, but it was hard to believe her as Linh listened to how her fathers statements were covered in layers of disgust, hatred, and even a little regret. Every word struck another needle in her small ten year old heart,  leaving a scar that would linger for several years, never quite healing. 

Linh turned over to look over at the empty blue bed across from hers. The posters on the wall were torn down, and a  few of the pillows were missing. She hiccuped. Her parents had decided to make Tam have a separate bedroom from Linh from now on, a punishment for Tam having talked  back to one of fathers very important customer, and 'friend' who had insulted the twins. Now, she was all alone in her dark bedroom, that was far too big for anyone person to occupy. She had never slept without her brother, and she didn't dare go visit him in fear of getting in trouble. She turned back around facing her wall, and closed her puffy eyes. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Linh hoped it wasn't her father. If she had to keep biting her tongue, it might start bleeding. The door cracked opened. Tam's cute little face popped up from behind. 

"Can I come in?" he asked,

"Tam, what are you doing here! You could get in trouble!" she said jumping out of bed, running across the room barefoot .

"Whatever, I can't go to sleep. How about a secret sleepover?" he suggested.

Linh bit her lip, "Fine," she agreed, "but you have to wake up before dad finds out tomorrow."

"Okay, but only to make you happy, I don't care about getting in trouble," he told her. Linh gave her brother a hug. He was surprised. Their family wasn't a 'huggy' family. Tam couldn't remember the last time his parents had given him a hug. Had they ever given him a hug?  Despite the slight shock, Tam hugged back tightly. People always said a hug from your parents feels like the safest, warmest thing in the world but, Linh was sure twin hugs topped it a few million times. 

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