Water's Sweet, but Blood is Thicker (Linh & Tam)

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Dedicated to Purple_Writer_ who asked for this a long time ago. 

I ran down the streets of Mysterium. I was soaked to the skin and freezing while the icy gusts of wind whipped my black cape in all directions. I stopped and looked at the sign. Mulberry Street, was written in fancy letters. Mulberry street? How could I have missed the colorful shop that stood out like a soar thumb compared to the rest of this city?  I was lost in this cursed town, with cold raindrops and wind piercing my clothing. I sat down on the sidewalk, tired. I tilt my head up toward the grey cloudy sky, and felt the raindrops trickle down my face. I always had enjoyed the rain. I loved feeling  the drops as they hit my face and clothes. I took a deep breath. Overcast had a greenish grey blueish smell. 

Linh was going to kill me for not showing up. I haven't seen her in over two months. Suddenly I felt a wet piece of paper smack me in the face.  I took it into my hands. Litter was rare. I nearly lost it when I saw the headline.  Linh Song engaged to famous hero Fitz Vacker,  I crumpled the page in my hand and threw into the wind, having sympathy for whoever originally had thrown it away. 

"Tam!" I heard Linh call, I turned around. She ran down the street, a hydrokinetic umbrella sheltering her from the rain. "What are you doing out in the rain? You'll freeze!" I just looked at her. Was that a rhetorical question? "Never mind," she said, "Come on. Let's go inside."

"I'm tired" I replied, and ran my hand down my face.

"Are you okay?" She asked nearly worried but not quite. I shrugged. I continued to feel the pattern of the rain on my face. 1233, 1233... I counted. The water never missed a beat.  She sat down next to me on the curb.

"You know, there is nothing I won't understand, just tell me," she insisted. She put her hand on mine. I laid down on the hard wet cement. She sighed, then formed a field of water around us protecting us from the rain and dried my clothes. Finally, she laid down next to me. It was beautiful what my sister could do. It wasn't surprising 'wonderboy' had fallen for her, I can't exactly blame him, she is pretty awesome. At least it wasn't Sencen. 

Linh looked at me, her sky silver eyes reflecting mine. "Please tell me what's wrong, I haven't seen you weeks." "Months." I corrected. Her eyes widened, "Has it really been that long? Wow, time flies, huh?... Either way, what's been bugging you? And don't tell me it's nothing. I know you too well. You're my twin." She ruffed up my already wet hair. Which bothered me, but not nearly as much as  her forgetting the last time I had seen her. To me, the last months have felt like eternity, but she barely noticed. 

What should I say. Nothing is wrong. My sister's getting married! But why does it feel... like.... betrayal? Maybe I'm over exaggerating, but it still felt that way. My entire life, I've been protecting her, I've been loving her, I've been comforting her, and now, that's what Fitz does I guess.... I was replaceable. Everyone always thinks she's the one who needs me but really, it's the other way around. She can make friends, be nice, fit in, take care of herself. I'm antisocial coldhearted creep with silver bangs and an attitude. Without Linh... I'm alone, and well, I feel empty without her, like my other half is missing. 

"Do you think we're growing apart?" I ask her, as I intertwined our fingers. I always found it ironic yet fitting how my rough hand fit perfectly within her smooth one. Like they were molded that way.

"What? No! We're always going to stay together. Always." 

"But, not really! You're getting married! And I'm... I can't go with you. I'm not sure I trust Fitz 100% with protecting you. I mean he's nice and all, but..."

"Tam! You can't follow me around for the rest of my life! You're my brother. Not my bodyguard. I'm a big girl now, and I don't need you, or any other man. I can take care of myself." She told me frustrated.  

"Yeah, but... maybe I need you." I mumbled. She softened. 

"Look even if we do grow apart, which we are not, are roots are still tangled up together. I can't go that far. But Tam you seriously need to understand, my entire life you've weighed me down, like an anchor. I would talk to one other kid at parties and you'd scare him away with all your death glares. You're always telling me what I can or can't do. I felt like I was on a leash. I need to be my own person. You suffocated me.  I just need to breakaway a little."

I sighed.  I mean I was always very (overly) protective but, she to me, was fragile and so brave at the same time. Maybe being fragile made her brave, I don't know. Her heart was broken by her dad before any boy ever had a chance. The last thing I wanted after we were banished, was to see anyone ever hurt her, us, like that again. 

"I get it, I guess. I just don't want to be alone."

 She gave me a smirk. "Oh, you want to find a girlfriend?" 

I nearly choked on air, but I managed to collect myself. "Yeah, a girlfriend... but I don't know..." I lied, hoping she wouldn't spot it. I didn't need a girlfriend, I needed a sister. I needed Linh.

She didn't understand, and I couldn't possibly explain. We were tangled. All our lives we always understood one another, without barely speaking, or at least I had thought.

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