Keefe and Fitz Texts

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Warning: Horrible at 'comedy' (if you can even call it that.) Read at your own risk.

I didn't put correct punctuation on purpose, seriously, it's texting.

Fitz: I can't believe the Black Swan gave us iPhones! 

Keefe: Awesome right!

Fitz: Check out the other goofy pictures

Keefe: Did you type 'goofy'?OMG, yes you did

Fitz: Shut up and check out the pictures, or icons. IDK

Keefe: I have discovered new form a communication I have reason to believe this was my native tongue all along. Goodbye letters, goodbye enlightened language

Fitz: What? 

Keefe: 🐏💨 

Fitz: Is that a... farting sheep? 


Fitz: ...Is it normal the smiling sun actually looks more menacing then the devil? I mean if you zoom up on the sun, he just looks so... 

Keefe: 🙀💂👅🐔🐽🍬🎃

Fitz: Are you okay? 

Keefe:🙊 *imagine it shaking its head no* When am I ever okay? Tsk, Fitz you should no better.

Fitz: Is that the Speak no evil monkey?

Keefe: Wha.. No it's a SURPRISED monkey. 

Fitz: Dude, no, there is the see no evil monkey 🙈 the hear no evil monkey 🙉and the speak no evil monkey🙊. You know from the asian human proverb?

Keefe: NERD

Fitz: You say nerd like it doesn't stand for Never Ending Radical Dude

Keefe: ... It doesn't. 

Fitz: Just admit it. I'm a NERD and you're an IDIOT (Intellectual Deficiency Increasing Over Time). 

Keefe: No! I'm not an idiot! You're an idiot! I'm mega fantastic! 

Fitz: It's nearly impossible for me to read that sentence without having a whiny 6 year old voice in my head. 

Keefe: 😤

Fitz: 😎 According do humans the stereotypical nerd has glasses. So they look awesome as emojis. Your idiot emoji could use some work... It kind of looks like an old frustrated guy with a weird beard.

Fitz: Hehe, I'm HILARIOUS.


Fitz: Dude you still here?


Keefe: Call me. Now.


Fitz: That sounds like a terrible idea, and its illegal...  What time?

Keefe: 2:00 am. Tell Dex and Bang Boy.


Fitz: EMERGENCY. CODE BBMS42h. Keefe! Come save me!

Fitz: I'm dying here! I'm not sure how much longer I can last. 

Keefe: Dude, what's the matter! Did the Neverseen get you? How are you on your phone?

Keefe: Fitz? Fitz? Whats code BBMS42! I forgot!

Keefe: Don't worry. I'm going to go see Tiergan/Granite. Hang in there buddy.

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