Chapter 5: More Mysteries

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"How is this possible? How do the people of Earth in this century have an alien from the Beta Tli system?"

Huh. The Beta Tli System. I ran a hand over the round-looking ship. It was held in place and upright by some sort of docking clamps. Deanna had her arms crossed just over her belly and was shaking her head.

"Will did you even bother to read the signs on the door clearly marked: 'Restricted Area: Keep Out. Air Force Personnel Only'? I know you are looking for some sort of panel to open the hatch on this. I'd advise against that."

I turned around and looked at Deanna and gave a smile.

"This is a piece of history Imzadi. We've never seen one of these ships up close before."

I was interrupted by Beverly just behind Deanna.

"She's right Will. In our century since this place is a museum, they've removed the alien's body. In this century, the government can't even figure out how to open the hatch. The body of that alien has been inside this ship since 1947. Let's go Will. Deanna needs to be back in her room. Three weeks to go and she needs to be off her feet."

Sighing, I stepped away from the ship. An alarm started to go off, and a red light began to flash. Helping Deanna back into the wheelchair the three of us quickly found a door and exited the room housing the alien ship. Now just a few short steps away from our room, I looked around the corner to make sure there were no soldiers parading the hallway. Looking back at Beverly and Deanna around the corner, I motioned for them to file into our room.

"All the soldiers must be converging on the room where the alien ship is. You know, that white lab coat doesn't look too bad on you Beverly."

She was helping Deanna back into bed and placing the fetal heart monitor back around her stomach. I watched as they laughed a little. But it was Beverly's voice that spoke first.

"Look at that foot testing out the space. Not that there is much space in there. Someone is probably pretty eager to come out."

I shut my eyes and tried not to grit my teeth as Doctor Sartos came into the room with four other doctors trailing behind her.

"We've waited long enough Doctor Howard. We need to induce labor today. Within the next 20 minutes. The baby is more than large enough now to be delivered."

Beverly only shook her head.

"You don't understand, I keep telling you, inducing labor would only be detrimental to the both of them."

Doctor Sartos and Beverly both had tempers, but Beverly could get quite loud when she was fighting for the safety and health of a patient.

"How is that detrimental Doctor Howard? She's 41 weeks. One week over-due. Is there something else the three of you aren't telling me?"

I kept my mouth closed until a nurse got a fresh catheter out of one of the drawers. I went on the right side of Deanna and Beverly on the left.

"Don't touch her."

The nurse stopped what she was doing and Doctor Sartos kept the frown on her face.

"Excuse me but you do realize that by leaving this baby inside the womb for longer than necessary can do more harm than not. We need to induce labor, now."

It was Beverly's turn to argue.

"I am her attending Physician, and you are not hearing me! Inducing labor would be harmful for the baby. Believe me when I say, the baby isn't ready to greet the world yet. Three weeks, that's all I'm asking."

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