Chapter 19: A Sight to Behold/Interruptions

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"Sweetheart, don't you think we should cut the umbilical cord now?"

Deanna hadn't been paying any attention. Her sole attention was on Gracie who was lying on her mother's chest making happy noises.

"Hmm? Oh yes of course."

Carefully separating the two, I handed the scissors back to Bridget and watched Gracie sleep atop Deanna's chest.

"Maybe she does have my hair after all. This is so much different from when Laura was born."

Deanna gave me a tired smile. She wasn't in any immediate pain, so she was feeling good.

"Well Will, from her point of view, her birth was just as trying as her sister's, but the main difference is that she was born into a room with air and bright lights, and Laura was born in a darkened bathroom and in a bathtub full of water."

Our perfect moment of happiness was suddenly shattered as Sartos came into the room with a scowl on her face.

"Ah, I see you've had your daughter... What a surprise. I thought you'd be able to hold out a little longer..."

A sarcastic tone had taken hold of her voice. While the smug look never left her face, Deanna's look of serenity and happiness was replaced with utter horror. Gracie started to whine from the comfortable spot on top of her mother's chest. My eyes hardened at Doctor Sartos. I listened to Deanna's soft voice to Gracie.

"Don't worry sweetie, mama won't let anybody take you away from me. We're going to stay together. I promise you."

Gracie continued to cry. I firmly planted myself in front of Deanna, and soon Beverly and Bridget followed. Sartos tried to push Bridget aside, but I blocked her. She only let out a strange laugh as she looked at Bridget.

"Huh, I was wondering when you'd show... Things don't exactly add up when it comes to you. Doctor Howard how long have you been practicing medicine?"

Bridget became offended by Doctor Sartos questioning. But Beverly stepped in to protect her family.

"How about you get out of here and leave my family out of this. You've already caused enough trouble."

But Bridget stood her ground and put a hand on Beverly's shoulder.

"No, I can handle her. Besides, I outrank her. I'm a general and she's a Lieutenant. She's crossing the lines into insubordination territory. Effective immediately I am transferring you to the base in Washington D.C. Pack your bags doctor, your flight leaves from Albuquerque at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning."

Doctor Sartos was livid, her face was red and she was panting.

"Just you wait doctor. Wait until Admiral Sartonson hears about this."

Bridget had a smirk of her own on her face.

"Admiral Sartonson already agreed on the transfer. End of story. Now go pack."

Sartos huffed and puffed out of the room, seemingly defeated. All the nurses had now left the room and Beverly spoke up.

"Way to stick the landing Gran."

Bridget made a face at Beverly and sank down into the chair I'd just vacated next to the bed.

"Ah, don't call me that. Call me Bridget. You calling me gran makes me feel old. For now I'm younger than you!"

I was confused by Beverly's wording, scratching my chin, I raised my eyebrows.

"What did you mean by 'way to stick the landing' Beverly?"

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