Overwatch quotes Zodiac

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Gemini: "Taste the dragon's blade!" (Genji–Overwatch)

Cancer: "Trueself is without form" (Zenyatta–Overwatch)

Sagittarius: "Justice rains from above " (Pharah–Overwatch)

Aries: "D.VA Online" (D.VA–Overwatch)

Virgo: "Anything Anyone can be hack" (Sombra–Overwatch)

Leo: "The ture enemy of humanity is Disorder" (Symmetra–Overwatch

Aquarius: "No one can hide from my sight" (Widowmaker–Overwatch)

Libra: " Die, Die, Die" (Reaper–Overwatch)

Pisces: "Heroes never dies" (Mercy–Overwatch)

Capricorn: "With death comes honor. with honor Redemption" (Hanzo–Overwatch)

Taurus: "Cheers love calvery here" (Tracer–Overwatch)

Scorpio: "It's high noon" (McCree–Overwatch)

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