Chapter 2

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Anna's POV:

In the split second I look over at Luke and his sidekicks, I somehow manage to make eye contact with him. His icy blue eyes lock with mine, making all time stand still. All that is around me silences and the only thing in focus is him. He eyes carry on pouring into mine, as if I'm some kind of freak in an exhibition.

That is until a hand frantically waves in front of my face.
"Anna! Anna, stop going into your stupid daze again!" I instantly recognise Lily's voice and once again become aware of where I am.

I blink a few times and lean into Michael, allowing myself to cuddle up to him. I carry on sipping my caramel frappe and pretend that I can't feel Luke's eyes still piercing through me.

"Wait Anna, where are we going to be staying tonight?" Josh says looking slightly confused.
"At my house. Duh!" I chuckle in return.
"No stupid. I mean I don't think all five of us are going to fit in your room?"
"I know. That's why we are sleeping in a tent in my garden."
They all stare at me as if I've gone mad. It was quite hilarious actually seeing the horror on their faces.
"What do you mean a tent?" Michael asks.
"I mean one of those things you put up when you go camping that you sleep in. You know with the poles and the material and stuff. " I laugh at my own sarcasm but no one else finds it funny. Damn, I thought they would like the idea... they're going to need some convincing I guess.
"Well, we can lay out as many duvets and cushions that we can find and we'll still have wifi," at this point they all let out a sigh of relief, "Plus I've brought a million snacks for us to have for the night." Their faces all light up at this new information. "So basically we just get to snuggle, eat a bunch of food that has way too many calories and watch films until we fall asleep."

They all sit silent for a few seconds before they all cheer. I laugh to myself and I notice the dodgy looks we are getting from the other customers. Their new found enthusiasm is very amusing to watch, however the glares we are receiving from Luke's table tells me otherwise. They are all scowling at us, all except for Ashton who is just staring at Lily with a small smile on his face. I notice Lily returning the look and timidly smiling at Ashton. All of the boys seemed oblivious to what was happening so I decided not to mention. It's very suspicious, I need to ask her about it later.

Once the five of us finish our drinks, we begin to get ready to leave. Michael reaches for my hand which I happily allow. I turn just in time to see Luke's eyes flicker between mine and Michaels joined hands and back up to my face. I shrug it off and follow behind my friends.

Once we get back to my house we set ourselves on the mission to find as many cushions, blankets and snacks possible. Me and Sean are currently upstairs trying to carry down about 10 cushions and 5 blankets between the two of us. When Sean nearly trips we both end up crying of laughter and collapsing on to the floor. That is until we both simultaneously get an idea.

We throw all the pillows down the stairs and set the blankets up at the top. We both sit down and cling on to each other's arms.
We both push ourselves and soon enough we are flying down the stairs. We are both screaming at the top of our lungs until we come crashing down at the bottom. We both look at each other and burst into laughter... again.

We turn to see a very confused Josh, Michael and Lily standing there.
"Come on you guys" Josh says trying to not to laugh, "I can't believe you slid down the stairs without me!"

I go into the kitchen to see the large array of snacks I brought arranged perfectly in multiple bowls. There are 2 bowls filled to the rim of perfectly buttered popcorn, another filled with marshmallows and strawberries to be dipped in the mass of melted chocolate, on top of all this we have four large pizzas to share between the 5 of us and a rake of garlic bread. If this wasn't enough we then have 6 large bottles of various drinks ranging from Vanilla Coke to Fanta. My mouth waters at the sight of all this food. We sure are going to gain some weight tonight!

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