Chapter 9: Revived But Not The Same

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What felt like a year, had only been an unending amount of hours. I simply sat there in place as I felt Kashuu caress the top of my hair to calm me down.

It was pitch black outside already. I lost track of what time it was. The only thing that was keeping me awake at the moment, was Kashuu's voice. Once I calmed down, Kashuu began telling me of what they did with Akita's sword. Yagen went to Konnosuke to see if it was possible to summon Akita back once his sword was repaired. He answered that it was possible, but the spirit that was once the Akita they knew wouldn't be the same one.

An Akita that had no memories of his time in the Citadel or at the point of his downfall. A completely different person.

"...Are you mad at us Master?" Kashuu asked out of curiosity, as he stopped caressing my head, awaiting for my answer. I shook my head before responding back to him, "All of you did your best to fight against the Retrograde Army."

"I'm not mad at all." I shifted my head to stare at Kashuu's face. My eyes may be dry, but I can feel the lingering sting from the tears. "The one I should be mad at is myself."

"I made a foolish choice." I knew that Akita wasn't ready. Yet I sent him to his doom, and now...I can no longer see the Akita I once knew who made the scream Teru Teru Bozu. "I'm a stupid General aren't I, Kashuu?"

"You're not." Kashuu grabbed my shoulders to shake me. Trying to get me to understand. "Listen, Master, you're not stupid. The fact that you managed to bring all of us together despite being a new Saniwa Sage means that you're working hard."

"You struggle in choosing which of us to go against the Retorgrade Army, worry about our injuries, study to strengthen your spiritual power, and most of all care for us even though we're swords that merely gained a human form through your powers." Kashuu  moved to tuck stray strands of hair to behind my right ear. "I don't think any of us can hate you after all of the things you've done for our small group of swords."

Kashuu's POV

"I don't think any of us can hate you after all of the things you've done for our small group of swords." How can someone so fragile as her break down into something like this? Then again I have no say in this matter. After all, it was thanks to her that I managed to continue fighting. You're the one who protected me from the beginning. Someone who was broken and unappealing to the eyes. Abandoned yet you took me into your arms. You told me that you're not going to let me break. So let me return the favor, Master.

'This time, I'm not going to let you break.'

"Kashuu..." She muttered my name as I felt her return my hug. Her head buried into my chest as she said these words, "Thank you."

"Funny...even though I rely on you and Yasusada...I feel like I can move forward with you two by my side." She took a deep breath before releasing her hug from me. Wiping off the remaining streaks of tears, Master thus asked me. "Can you be there for me when I greet Akita again?"

The corners of my mouth twitch into a smile as I agreed to my Master's wishes. "Yes."

Yuna's POV

I was nervous at first. I don't know what to expect since this Akita Toushirou wouldn't be able to recognize me. I gripped tightly onto the edge of my sleeves as I walked besides Kashuu. Once we made it to the room, I saw three tantous sitting by the revived Akita. It was Yagen, Atsushi, and Gokotai. I guess they were explaining to Akita of how they're the only ones that I've managed to summon before the rest of the Awataguchi Brothers. Kashuu nudged me, as a sign to open the door. Taking a silent deep breath, I pushed the sliding door open to meet with four eyes. Gokotai and Atsushi were alarmed by my sudden appearance however-

"There she is." Yagen pointed out to Akita without flinching. Compared to his younger siblings, Yagen kept his composure well.

Standing up, the pink-haired boy's blue eyes gleamed as he turned around to introduce himself to me. "Hello, I am Akita Toushirou. There are many Toushirou brothers, but you won't mistake me for anyone else, right?"

I nodded, feeling a bit teary, as Akita said the same words as he did the first time I met him.

"I have always been a self-protection blade for nobles, so I haven't been to many battles. Please teach me all sorts of things as we go along!"

Feeling my eyes water a bit, I inhaled a bit before I stepped forward to get closer to Akita. The three tantous behind Akita shot Kashuu a look of worry. Kashuu placed a finger against his mouth to keep silent as they watched their master.

I slowly enveloped the sword I nearly lost into a tight hug. Telling him, "Mn. I and the other swords will do so."

"Master?" Akita mumbled out in surprise.

Separating my hug from Akita, I corrected him. "You can call me Yuna-nee."

"Oh okay!" Akita smiled as he tugged on my sleeve, "Then Yuna-nee!"

"Can you teach me how to make those?" He pointed toward the edge of the roof, hanging there was a row of the finished Teru Teru Bozus made from earlier.

"Sure." For as long as I'm here in the Citadel, I'll make sure that none of these swords will break.

No matter how hard the Retrograde Army comes at us, I'll never let any of you guys break.

And Retrograde're going down no matter what.

Third POV

In the dead of the night, the moon shone brightly into the Awataguchi's room. She was sleeping together with the revived Akita after reading a story to the tantou. Yagen, Atsushi, and Gokotai went to sleep elsewhere to leave the two alone. However the two weren't exactly alone. After all, a person that was there but not at all sat outside the door of their room. Watching the bright moon that came out after the rainfall from earlier.

No one could hear him chuckle to himself as he spoke fairly loud.

"I see that Saniwa-sama has gone through quite a lot these days." He said to himself as continued to gaze at the moon. "There will be difficult times, but sometimes you gain strength out of it."

The person turned to look at the door that was slightly open, revealing the sleeping duo in the Awataguchi room."You heard my voice, but the one you reached out to was not mine. However I'm grateful that you picked Kashuu."

"He suffered a lot, and you as well." He turned back over to stare out at the lonesome Cherry Blossom Tree further away from the main part of the Citadel. "Perhaps that's why the well lead you to him."

A smile grew on his face, "Maybe one day you'll summon my spirit over here."

"But for now I'll patiently wait." A pleasant breeze passed by as he uttered his next words, "I'll wait for the day your spiritual powers call out to me Saniwa-sama."

Closing his eyes the person felt a presence arrive, glancing to his left the person introduced himself to the other sitting close by.

"My name is Mikazuki Munechika." The Sanjou sword started as he watched the other glance over to him. "And your name is?"

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