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"It's you again." I muttered softly as I watched the man walk toward me from beside the cherry blossom tree. His gaze felt warm despite the mysterious illumination of crescent yellow moons staring back at me. Yet he could not understand what I was saying to him as it was evident by his lack of response.

I felt frustrated. I wanted to understand his voice like the other swords. My heart felt like it was being clenched tightly as the urge of wanting to know who he was grew. I want to know if he can understand me. I want to-

Talk to him.

Unconsciously I soon found my hand slowly reach out in touching the man's cheek. But froze just before I could do so. My needs have never been this strong before. Sometimes I wonder if I synched with Yuna's feelings whenever this happens. So quietly I tried to lower my hand and apologize, but instead the hand that was supposed to be by my side had suddenly been taken hold of by the man and calmly placed it against his cheek. Surprising me out of nowhere, as my eyes locked onto his kind gaze.

His hand was warm within the grip as well as his cheek. Yet I still could not understand a single word he attempted to say to me. But his gestures were enough to let me know that he's there to lend a shoulder.

'I wish I can speak to you.' I silently whispered these strong feelings into the depths of my mind. Hoping that one day, my words would reach him.

Mikazuki's POV

"As each day passes, Saniwa-sama continues to manage her spiritual power." A smile formed against my lips as I sat against the trunk of the cherry blossom tree. However as I watched the pink petals float into the night sky, the sound of foot steps entered the area. I glanced from my spot to find her. The woman in clad of blue that bears green eyes. Her eyes seemed to change the minute she noticed my presence from the tree. I got up from my spot and started walking over to her, "We always seem to run into each other don't we?"

Despite the lack of response, I persist in speaking to her. Hoping that one day she would finally be able to understand my foreign words.

However, while I was speaking, her hand slowly closed toward my cheek. It seems that shes trying to convey something to me, but due to our lack of understanding each other's words she hesitated.

Stopping her actions, but once I saw the moment the woman take her hand back. I reached out and took hold of that retreating hand. Her green eyes widened in surprise as I placed her hand against my cheek.

At that moment, I kind of knew a bit of what she was thinking.

"I wanted to speak to you as well." If only I knew whether she understood what I said.

Yuna's POV

"Namazuo!" I screeched the wakizashi's name out loud as I ran down the hall ways in a frenzy, "Don't you dare...!"

With a single throw, the wakizashi threw the accursed item into the area. Hurling straight for the target when suddenly, out of nowhere the item landed.

But before it lands, let's return to what happened not too long ago. I, Ibusaki Yuna, was starting to get the hang of controlling my spiritual energy to a small degree. Right now, I managed to summon a wakizashi from the Awataguchi School. His name is Namazuo Toushirou, one of the two known wakizashis from this particular school. Although this particular wakizashi became quite the troublemaker. Especially when he's around horses.

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