[six hours]

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They spent an hour swimming in the pond before the water became too much and they all piled out, laying on the small strip of grass between the pond and the hill drop off.

"How are we going to get our clothes back?" Jaeyoon asked. Had it been any other mission, he would've immediately longed to fly. But he didn't even think of that possibility; he was beginning to think like a mortal.

"There's a trail around the side of the hill that we can use," Youngbin explained. "The first time we came here, we threw our clothes down and they got stuck in trees." He and Inseong both laughed in remembrance and the sunlight glinted like metal.

Jaeyoon shivered, trying to ignore how his "swimsuit" clung to his body, because then surely he'd look over at Inseong -

"Let's go back up," he prompted. So they all stood up and Youngbin led the way once more, walked over to the side of the hill. Jaeyoon and Inseong followed, hopping over sticks and rocks as best they could before beginning the climb back up.

Once at the top again, Jaeyoon battled all of his instincts screaming at him to just fly. To spread his wings, because his back ached with the effort it took to glamour them out of sight. Instead, he pulled his T-shirt over his head.

"Who wants ice cream?" Inseong yelled as he struggled to get his socks on.

"We just ate -"

"I do!" Jaeyoon interrupted, and Youngbin pretended to sigh in annoyance.

"We've done so much driving, though," he protested. "And it's late!" But the summer sun was still shining, despite Youngbin learning that it was seven o'clock from his phone.

"Actually, you've done so much driving. We're just enjoying the ride," Inseong said smugly. Youngbin hit him lightly. "Besides, we're having an adventure! To show Jaeyoon what we do for fun!"

Jaeyoon nodded, trying to channel innocence.

And so they got in the car again, driving away from what Jaeyoon was convinced was a secret plane and toward civilization. Or what counts as civilization in such a small town. They drove past a bunch of little shops and pulled into a small parking lot next to the ice cream shop.

It was hardly a shop; more like a kiosk with one worker inside and a small line going up to the window. They got in line behind a mother with two little girls, whose hands she was holding firmly. Not firmly enough, evidently, because one escaped from her grip and ran to Inseong, who crouched down.

"Hi there," he said, a large grin appearing on his face as the girl giggled.

"Ice cream!" She exclaimed. "We're getting ice cream!"

Inseong gasped dramatically. "Wow, really? We are too! What are you getting?"

The mother turned around. "I'm so sorry, she likes to get away from me," she apologized to Inseong, grabbing the girl's hand again, who yelled, "Chocolate!"

"I'm getting chocolate too!" Inseong said, then stood up. He bowed to the girl's mother. "It's no problem at all, ma'am," he said politely.

Jaeyoon noticed the fond smile on Youngbin's face as he watched the other boy with the girl. Jaeyoon didn't notice the same smile that was on his own face, though.

"Are you really getting chocolate?" Youngbin teased. Inseong grinned.

"Of course," he said, "I can't lie to a cute little kid."

"I saw two cute little kids," Jaeyoon said before his brain could catch up with his mouth. Inseong turned red while Youngbin agreed. Jaeyoon just winked at Inseong, and then it was their turn to order.

Inseong got his chocolate, as promised, Youngbin got vanilla, and Jaeyoon got strawberry. They ate at a small picnic table near the kiosk, and Inseong looked disappointed that his new friend had left. He lamented his lonely chocolate with exaggerated hand gestures.

Due to this, his lonely chocolate became ground chocolate as his scoop fell off his cone and plopped to the pavement.

Jaeyoon snorted and started laughing, accidentally spewing a little ice cream from his mouth as Inseong regarded his fallen chocolate with heartbreak in his eyes. Jaeyoon made Youngbin laugh, who tried to pat up the mess on the table with a bunch of napkins.

"Your face -" Jaeyoon gasped, tears in his eyes.

"I'm gonna shove my ice cream cone up your ass," Inseong threatened. "This is not a laughing matter!"

"Clearly it is!" Youngbin snorted. Inseong set his cone down, crossing his arms and pouting. Then he struck, hands darting out for Jaeyoon's ice cream and taking a big bite while Jaeyoon squawked in indignation.

Inseong gave him a strawberry ice cream stained smirk and sat back.

"Now I have your germs on my ice cream," Jaeyoon said. So naturally, he decided to shove the thing at Inseong's cheek and then hop up and run around the table to snatch Youngbin's. Despite his protest of germs, he stole a bite of Youngbin's ice cream, and then they were all trying to claim the cone as their own.

That one ended up falling to the ground, too.

"There are no winners when it comes to ice cream," Jaeyoon intoned gravely as they all stared down at the last ice cream cone. There was still ice cream on Inseong's cheek. Jaeyoon grabbed a napkin off the table and tried to wipe it off, but Inseong turned away.

"Do you want to look like a sticky little kid?" Jaeyoon asked. Inseong appeared to be fighting off a grin, and Jaeyoon held his chin with one hand and finally wiped up the mess on Inseong's cheek with the other.

After the ice cream, they opted to go back home and watch movies.

Jaeyoon didn't care what they did, as long as they were together. He knew that his time was beginning to run out - six hours left - and he wished he could turn it back and do this day over and over again.

He had never had a happiness like this before.

a/n: this is so gay

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