Cookies [Pit x Reader]

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You and pit walked along the halls of the smash mansion, huffing along the way after the team battle vs Bowser and Falco.

While doing so, you guys laughed a bit. You guys were the best of friends ever since he met you during the Subspace Emissary.

It was a rough battle for you, but after the angel found you and helped, you two have always been close, it was almost like nothing could break you two apart and everyone knew it.

Though for you, it seemed as if you had strong feelings for the sweet hyperactive angel. You had always tried to keep in subtle and try not to show any sign that was more than a friend.

Lucky, it seemed that the naive angel never picked up on any of the signs. Though unaware to you, the angle had a tiny (HUGE) crush on you as well.

He loved everything about you and couldn't just pick one favorite thing. This varied from your smile, eyes, enthusiasm, being his best friend, and much more.

While Pit was brave enough to face the obstacles of the underworld army, he, however, wasn't brave enough to open up to his feelings.

Sometimes he would try to confess to you, but every time he did, he always panicked and usually proceeded to say some type of joke then run off.

Poor pit always tried to say something, but he was so worried you would break his friendship with him or reject him, you thinking the same thing.

"So what do you want to do now (Y/N)?" Pit asked, excited to do anything with you. "You wanna eat some cookies?" You asked, already knowing what his answer would be.

"Of course I do!" Pit shouted running beside you towards your dorm, where you always stashed a ton of cookies of various types.

You two finally reach your dorm (which each dorm was made for one person each), and you pulled out your stash of cookies from under the bed.

There were several cookies in there like sugar, snickerdoodle, but the main one that filled the stash was chocolate chip.

You and Pit smiled at each other as you already scarfed down the cookies. After a few minutes or so, you guys had almost finished every cookie in the hoard.

You saw that Pit had the last chocolate chip cookie, and this made you pout a bit. The cute angel saw the look on your face and stopped.

He had already eaten one-half of the cookie and handed you the other half of it. "Here, you can have it." Pit handed you the cookie with a smile on his face.

You smiled back, a faint blush on your face as you took the cookie. Just after taking a bite out of it, you instantly blush a darker shade of red.

You had the feeling that you had just shared an indirect kiss with Pit, the angel you grew to have a crush on.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Pit questioned, noticing your flushed face, "Yeah, I'm fine, but I think we..." you hesitated to say anything, "I think we shared an indirect kiss."

It was now Pit's turn to turn red in the face. You two just stared at each other in silence, until you kissed his cheek, without thinking.

Pit had a weary smile on his face as you both said to each other "I like you." Without saying anything to each other you sat close by one another.

You happily relaxed with you new boyfriend, and all from a cookie.


I know, I know, not my best piece, please forgive me. I will update soon hopefully

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