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I went upstairs, and heard some arguing.
It was coming out of Zane's room. Then I saw it was Garroth and Zane arguing. All I heard was "blah blah her blah blah mom."
It really didn't make any sense, but when do they actually make sense!?
"Uh guys?"
They both screamed.
"Well hi to you guys too."
"Sorry (y/n), I'm having some conflict with Zane."
"You guys were totally fighting about (y/-!"
Zane hurried and covered Vlyad's mouth.
"Oh Vlyad what did you want to say?"
"Well I want to say that Garroth and Zane are talking about you!"
"Huh why?"
Zane and Garroth gave a scared and shocked look. I gave them a stare for talking about me behind my back. What did they even say about me?
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"What did you guys said about me!?"
"Zane tell me now!"
"Ok fine, I was shocked that Garroth brought you here."
"Why, I come here all the time?"
"Yea, but your spending the night."
"How would Aaron react to this!?"
"He said that it was ok."
"Um well your brother..."
"You scared of him?"
"Really, because I remember he scared you during school."
"Um well got to go!"
"But his is your room!"
"I know!"
Zane walked out his own room. I thought it was funny that Zane can't Amit he was scared. Well I was for him.
"Sorry (y/n) for all of that."
"No it's ok."
"Well I'm going to talk to Zane. Come on Vlyad!"
"Well see ya."
Garroth and Vlyad just left me here. Now what do I do? It's so akward right now.

Knock Knock Knock
"Uh hello?"
"Hey girlfriend!"
"Oh hi Mrs.Romeave!"
"Oh sweetie call me Zianna!"
"Oh ok."
"Well did you had fun with my little babies?"
"Haha yea! But why?"
"Well you are a very wonderful girl."
"Um ok."
"And a wonderful girl needs a wonderful man!"
"Where you going with this?"
"I'm saying that you are perfect for my sons!"
"Yea for now! You got Gar-Gar, Zu-Zu, and V-V to pick from!"
"Do you even know who is my dad?"
"Yea of course honey!"
"Well my dad and Garte don't see eye to eye."
"Well honey we got to pass that!"
"Well my father just won't approve."
"We can always make it a secret!"
"How can you make a wedding a secret!?"
"I don't know, we can try!"
"Sorry Zianna but we can't to that."
"Aww ok, well I'll get back making dinner!"
"Ok see ya!"
I love Zianna dearly, but sometimes she came be crazy! Now it's time to eat! I just love her food!
-Time skip-

So it's time to go to sleep. I really hope Aaron doesn't get too worry about me. I do love him, but he won't let me grow up. I'm always that little child to him. I am never a grown up in his eyes! Well I start and go to sleep in the guest room.

-Fell asleep-

What where am I? What is this place? What am I wearing? Wait I remember this place. It's Phoenix drop! Something feels wrong. Where's Aaron? I need to go!
I've been running and trying to find Aaron. I want to see if he knows what's going on. Then I saw a girl crouching and crying. She was holding a red scarf. What could that mean?
I decided to tap her shoulder.
"Hey, miss are you ok?"
I then saw her face. It was Aphmau.
"Aphmau what's wrong!?"
"He's gone!"
"Who is he!?"
"Your brother!"
"Aaron? What do you mean he is gone!?"
"He died saving us!"
I felt the tears coming out of me. I never felt this sad in my life. All of the sudden I had a flash back where all of us where in the Irene dimension. Aphmau was sad that Garroth was gone. So that means Aaron killed himself to save Garroth. He did this for Aphmau, because he loved him.
"It's you!"
"How are you alive?"
"Well um."
"Aaron did this?"
"Yes he saved me."
"I'm really sorry."
I felt so mad! Never this angry. I felt so betrayed how Aphmau did this to my brother.
She never loved him! She love Garroth. Because of her he's dead. I'm so angry! I can feel myself becoming a shadow knight now! The power! THE POWER!
"(Y/n) calm down."
"He is a fallen hero!"
"Its not my fault!"
" I DO!"
"Please don't!"
I grabbed my sword, and I pulled back. I knew I will never become good ever again. Not unless she was alive.
"What's going on?"
"You were having a bad dream (y/n)!
"I was? Well thanks for waking me up Vlyad!"
"No problem!"
"What time is it?"
"It's 3:26 am"
"Was I that loud?l
"Well you are beside me."
"Oh true."
"Well good night!"
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"My dream."
"It's ok."
"This is going to sound weird but could you sleep with me?"
"(Y/n), your brother is going to kill me!"
"No he won't!"
"Trust me he will."
"Ok maybe he will."
"Yep told ya!"
"Please I'm scared could you at least hug me?"
"Fine I will hug you to sleep!"
"Thanks Vlyad your the best!"
"Yea no problem!"
Vlyad got in the bed with me. We didn't do it for inappropriate reasons. I just needed some comfort from that dream. He is a really good friend! If I need help he is always there for me!
That's why he is here hugging me to sleep.
I just feel so safe in his arms! I just enjoy how he cares about other people like me. Well good night Vlyad!

Sorry guys I have not been posting! I have been really busy with stuff. I always try to make my chapter 1,000 words or above. So this is hard work for me! And thank you for the 299 reads! 😘😋😜

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now