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Sarah's POV
All I could remember was blacking out and Adam caught me. Then when I was blacked out I was in a dream. I was flowing in the air and flying over spirits ( picture above). Then I was flying to a forest of trees but all of them had spirits and I could talk to them. When I was talking listening to spirits one spirit caught me eye and it was my grandmama's spirit. It said take me, take me and I listen to the voice and took it I woke up screaming.

       Adam's POV
I saw Sarah in the sky and she wasn't falling. " Sarah, I got you" I caught her thankfully 😅. Sarah, Sarah, when I was yelling her name she wasn't responding I ran to Sandra ( she is the queen of healing). When we got there and I yelled HELP HELP I THINK SHE'S DIEING. I know I know she wasn't died but I never got to tell her I like her.
Wait I like I can't like she thinks for me as a friend
I think I have a crush on her
( Voice in his head) Wow you finally figured it out dummy
Oh shut up
I was now sitting the waiting room

10 minutes later

The nurse came in and told me she will be fine but she is in a coma. Can I see her? Yes, 201 floor 2. Thank you

I got to her room and walked over to her bed.

Well Sarah I know you wouldn't hear but hear it goes.

Sarah's POV
When I took the purple little spirit I woke up. But before I didn't wake up yet I woke up out of the dream so I was just floating in the air in the dark. ( But really I was in the hospital or something).

Adam's POV ( Adam talking to Sarah while she is in a coma)

Sarah where do I even start when I first saw you I knew you where the one for me. But I didn't want to jump in a relationship right then because I want to be my friend first. I just want to say I like you and... and *crying*. I just wanted to tell you that even if you are listen or not you have to wake up Sarah for me.

After that I kept talking to her for hours but she never woke up and I started pouring my heart out literally.

Sarah's POV ( still in her dream)
When I was flowing in the dark I could her a voice talking to me. Telling me stuff like your beautiful, be strong, I love you, please don't leave me. And then I realized that the voice was
JESUS, jesus was talking to me.

< No you idiot it is Adam >* The voice

Ohhhh I feel so stupid

Yeah you should ( The voice )

Oh shut up

Adam POV
It was now 10:00 at night but she didn't wake up. And when I was talking to her she was smiling, and so I kept talking to her. (She must hear me) I decided to spend he night here because I didn't want to leave her. Then I feel asleep 😴

Sarah POV
Adam stoped talking, he must of feel asleep or something. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't it was like I was in a dream for a purpose you know. When I was floating in the dark a bright figure and the figure was my grandmama. And she said," Sarah, I give my gift to you the gift of life, healing, and spirit. " She grab my hand and I woke up.

Instead of my grandmama holding my hand Adam was holding my hand.

Adam's POV
Sarah woke up and she looked at me and smiled at me.  And I smiled at her and I began to talk to her.
How do you feel?
" I feel fine, and what you said that you loved me... did you really mean it "
I was frozen when she said that sentence and blush was creeping on my face I can feel it
Then she said That's she all I need to know.

Sarah's POV
Before I woke up as I was saying Adam was talking to me. Little did he know that I was a awake I just wanted to hear what he had to say 😜.

  Author: Sarah
I hope you like this chapter I am so so so sorry that it has been months since I did I a new chapter. But I have a good excuse ok ready...,... I was reading your books And they are amazing 😉

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