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Sarah's POV

After a few days I start to recover and I gotten stronger but I still have been thinking of that dream that I had. My grandmother gave me her gift of life, she also told me that I will you it when the time comes. Right now I am just sitting in the bed thinking of why am I here? why didn't she tell my family about this? why did she choose me?

" Sarah, how are you feeling today?" said the Susan thew nurse

" I feel better how are you?" I said

" I'm doing great and I have some good news you will be getting out today" she said

" Yes, okay thank you" and after she left Adam came in. He had something behind his back but I didn't know what is was.

" Hey, how are you feeling?" he says to me

" Great, and I am getting out today so yay" I smiled. He went to the side of my bed and gave me a flowers and they were crystal lilys. HE said

I thanked him and then we started talking about what happened to me and told him about my dream I had. 

" Sarah, that was not a dream... that was a vision portal you had. A vision portal is when to connect with your spirits and you talk to them. You must of connected with your grandmother." 

I was just shocked of what I just heard. And after a few hours I was released and Adam stayed with me the entire day. Adam and I wanted to go to the garden to pick out some berries. And it was hard because when I pick one and I put it the basket...I eat it instead. Adam threw a berry at me so I threw a berry at him. Next thing you know it we had a food fight. 

This world is connect to earth and they share the energy to both produce food and nature. But they there was our enemy the vampire nation. Thousands of years ago they attacked us and we had to fight for our lives and some wolfs had to go to earth to hide for years. One day we defeated them and all natures energy grow stronger than before. When made a portal to earth and to our world. Some wolfs forget who they are and they stay there forever. So it is there job to protect earth so they can protect there's. 

Author: I am so sorry for not finishing this but don;t worry I am on it now and I have a great idea for the end. 

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