Chapter 5

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|\|\|\|\|\| CINDYS POV /|\|\|\|\|\

* around 6:30 PM *

text message from : Tynan😋

i'm just infront of my house, with a couple of my friends if you wanted to meet us here?

text message from : me

oh okay☺️ yeah that's fine. i'll be there in a couple minutes.

I didn't really dress up or anything, I just put on all black leggings, with my white oversized sweater and all white converse with my black and white beanie.

I grabbed my phone, and left the house not knowing how cold it actually was before i came out here. It wasn't snowing or freezing cold, but it was colder than i'm used to. It was never really this cold in California.

His house was only a couple houses down. It took maybe 45 seconds to walk there.

"Hi!" He said, and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey! It's seriously cold out here I don't know how you guys survive this everyday." I giggled.

"Well we're really used to it," He kinda laughed. "But anyways, this is my friend, Zane." He introduced me to this guy with blonde-ish hair.

"Hello," He smiled and waved.

"Hi," I smiled and waved back.

"Annnnnd this is Chris." He introduced me to a guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

He also waved and smiled, which is nice I guess.

We spent like an hour talking about a ton of stuff and walking around the street even though it was really really dark outside.

His friends kinda drifted off a couple steps infront of us.

Tynan and I have so much in common it's almost scary like we both love cats, food, twitter, tumblr, instagram etc and we both have younger siblings.

Except he has a little brother and a sister, and I just have a little sister but they're all they're all very close in age.

Annnnd, we both don't really want a relationship right now. He told me that he just went through a really bad break up, and so he's still sorta recovering from that.

I didn't have a bad breakup, but all of my past relationships have just been really terrible and never really lasted long.

After a couple more minutes of walking, we both kinda decided that it was getting really cold and we should probably go inside.

"It's getting really dark and cold and I don't want you to get sick or anything," He said. Oh my god that was so sweet. " So I'll walk you home, even though you live like 15 seconds away." He laughed.

Chris and Zane walked with Tynan to take me home, which i thought was really nice of them all.

Once we reached my porch, I thanked them for walking me home, and letting me hang out with them.

"It's no problem, I really hope we can be close friends, you're just so sweet and adorable,"

"Aw thanks! I hope we can be close friends also," I giggled.

We all said bye to eachother, as I walked inside my house, finally in some warmth.

I was completely exhausted. I went straight upstairs to my room, and changed into my pajamas, and immediately got into bed where it was just me and my thoughts.

But honestly, I really only could think about Tynan for the rest of the night.


I don't know how long i'm gonna make this story, maybe like 30-40 chapters.

I know that sounds like a lot but it's actually not if you pace everything right and you don't rush.

If anyone doesn't know what POV means, it stands for Point Of View.

As the story goes on, i'll be adding different peoples POVs and make it more interesting.

If anyone has any suggestions you can comment them.

I've only written maybe 2 books so i'm not that good but hey

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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