Chapter 11

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Chapter freaking 11! This chapter wasn't supposed to exist but three people made me change my mind :) the 3 people are: Starshine801 Pokemon_queen22 and lizzy411356 so thanks you 3 :D

On to the actual chapter!


Waking up after you have been knocked out is great but waking up floating in a tank of some sort with a bunch of cables connected to your head is... not the best.

I look around and notice Jack wide awake beside me, "You're awake!" he says happily and I nod to him. "Where are we?" I ask confused "I have no idea," Jack says with just as confused. I look around again and notice that Mark, Felix, and Cry are all floating in a tank each. Suddenly Mark gasps as he wakes up. I let out a small scream in shock "D? Jack" Mark asks as he notice us and I nod still a little shocked.

Before I can say anything, a door is opened and Jack, Mark and I pretend we're still knocked out. "HEY! Wake up!". It's the paramedic from earlier and I peek out. She notices. "Hey! You!" she says walking towards me. Quickly I push myself backward and she knocks on the glass "Leave her alone!" Jack and Mark yell in sync reveling that they are awake too. "You sneaky bastards" the paramedic growls as she turns around to them.

She looks like she is about to explode when 10 other people step into the room. "Lea you can leave now," the man in the front says. The paramedic nods and leaves.

As she left the 10 people to turn to us. "Welcome," the man says and I hear an annoyed snort from Felix "Welcome!?" he says irritated showing that he is well awake too! "We're truly sorry for the way you have been treated..." he starts but is cut off by Mark "...and you're gonna let us go and leave us alone?" he asks knowing that it's not true. The man shakes his head. "Unfortunately, no. We can't" he says and Cry, who has kept kind of quiet, speaks up: "Why?" he simply asks and the man looks at him. "I can't answer you but you'll know soon," he says but his word is an empty promise.

"Sleep tight," another person says and I black out.

So since this wasn't supposed to exist it is really short, sorry for that XD hope you like it anyways

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