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Hello! It's Author-san! Okay, so let me give you a quick rundown. So I've been really into system transmigration stories these days and the MCU fandom. I decided to make an experimental prologue and one chapter for now and continue the story if my dear readers want to read more. If not, oh well. But if there are any positive feedbacks and requests to continue, well then, I guess we have a new story! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! (btw, the picture above is Mot).

Revised on 9/4/19


When Death's inevitable scythe comes slicing down, severing man from the world of the living, no one quite knows of what would happen next. 

The souls who are of lesser evil- the good and the benevolent- are sent to the Head of the Time-Space Alternative- otherwise known as TSA- where their memories will be wiped away and ready for reincarnation. 

Their fates are not decided and whatever they choose to do will be up to them. More often than not, they make up the average civilians and continue this cycle of interesting-ness for almost eternity.

For the souls blackened by the choices they have made in life- they are tried and judged by the Active Network Guidance & Emergency Logistics department.

Otherwise known as the ANGEL Department. 

For the ones who are unlucky, they are to be obliterated, their souls shattered into millions of pieces, forever lost to the ineffable plan. 

As for the lucky souls, they become formless beings who can never reincarnate, eternally servants to the Head of TSA, the General Of Design, GOD.

These beings take on the title of System Administrators. 

They are given instructions to assist the GOD with organizing the storylines of different worlds, making sure that the fates of the people are in order, or must be changed for the sake of the GOD's amusement.

As the System Administrators do not have a physical form to accomplish their tasks, they are given Hosts. 

It is this variable that shall pave the road for the story. 

The Hosts are slightly blackened souls who are not of lesser evil. They are the rarities that make up the universes. 

They live life as life wills it and do not disturb nor change the fate of the world. They spend their life leisurely, centering their world on themselves without disturbing anyone else.

With no sins, yet, with no good deeds either, these souls are sent to TSA directly and given a chance to live interesting lives as a Host- contracted to a System- so that they may be sorted properly as either a System, an average civilian, or to be erased permanently from GOD's plans.

There is still a cost, however, to the Host and System deal.

If a host dies in the mission world, the place where the host can take the chance to live an interesting life, their souls will be terminated.

This is the punishment for being so uninteresting. The worlds that GOD has made is for the sake of their entertainment. Because of this, they will happily obliterate the host's soul.

It is the same for the System if they cannot find a new Host in time for their next mission.

That is where the story begins...


At the beginning and at the end, a place known by all, yet no one will ever know of its existence, the contradictory white space in the In-Between. 

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