Chapter seven: Thor (kinda)

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Hello, everyone! School has just started for me and I've been quite busy with the workload. Nonetheless, I will still update The Loki System in time. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter.

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Sunlight filtered slowly into Odin's office. Behind a desk, Loki sat glued to his chair as he finally managed to finish the last of his paperwork. Parchments and scrolls stacked high onto the completed side of the antique desk, each with a signature of the Prince Regent showing either approval or rejection of plans delivered by the council members.

It was at this time when the dark prince had finally thought he could get some shut eye and take a small nap, that a knock came from the door. Loki swallowed a loud groan, rubbing his eyes and yawning slightly. He looked sleepier than usual.

009, what time is it?

{Judging by the sunrise, I believe it is five to six in the morning, Master Mot.}

Lovely. Came the sarcastic reply.

"Come in." Loki called softly, clear exhaustion tinting his voice. He had thought fulfilling the original Loki's wishes was an easy task. It was such a simple wish, made by the trickster god. But unfortunately, even when he had purposely messed with the plot, Odin still chose him as Prince Regent, a goddamn job he never wanted, just so the golden king can take his long ass nap.

He continued his internal ranting, swearing and cursing rather creatively, threatening 009 with castration and "divorce" because it was "all his fault" {But Master, you were the one who agreed to this contract... please don't leave this system...!}. Poor 009 wailed, trying to stop Loki from taking off his ring. As it turns out, a tired Mot was a scary Mot.

A mop of fiery red hair stuck itself through the open door. Tyr the Einherjar has arrived at the ass crack of dawn to escort his prince to the Council Meeting. As the head guards for the Prince Regent, it was his duty to follow his prince everywhere. And by everywhere, he means everywhere.

"The Council meeting is about to begin, my prince."

Loki stopped mid-rant and presented the Einherjar with a dazzling smile that left the young soldier in a daze. "Thank you, Tyr. Please tell the rest of the guards to take the day off. You as well. There is no need for any of you to be with me today."


"Have a nice day, Tyr. Thank you for your hard work." Loki stood up and placed a hand on the Einherjar shoulder, squeezing slightly before he immediately left for the meeting.

Poor Tyr was left on his own in the office, dejected and sad as he wilted. There goes his dream of being with his master- PRINCE all day. Sigh. What a great dream it was. Too bad it never came true. The Einherjar walked out with a sad frown on his face; however, in his eyes, there was a fiery spark. He will try again tomorrow!

With that thought, the young soldier walked off with a determined aura seeping from him.

Loki gracefully glided down the hall of the palace when he stopped and suddenly felt a shiver run up his spine. He looked around. What was this uncomfortable feeling? It was as if someone was thinking about him with too much passion. It was a feeling that was not uncommon back when Mot was a mechanic. His clients (who were actually rich and powerful people he had charmed back in MIT, but Mot was too oblivious and rather spend his time blowing up shit...)

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