Chapter six: Thor (Kinda)

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Hello, everyone! It's Author-san with a new chapter. Look at that, I finally managed to update, once again... Hehehe... Anyway! Thank you all so much for the love and support! Don't forget to vote, share, and follow for more updates! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think might happen next! I love reading all your comments and that's what keeps me going! Reviews are always welcomed!



Heimdall stands at the observatory, bored. He was usually bored. After all, despite his status as the Gatekeeper, it was not often that people would try and invade Asgard. So he stands and waits for days on end, without much to do but peek into other people's lives.

The Bifrost activate, alerting Heimdall to open the portal.

Within a moment, he saw the King of Asgard appear before him. Trailing behind him was his wayward sons and their warrior friends.

At that moment, Heimdall knew that shit was going to go down. He stayed silent.

Odin stomps over and pulls out Heimdall's sword from the control panel before throwing it to him. Heimdall backs away.

Thor looked furious. "Why did you bring us back?" He demanded, his chest puffing up like a proud and angry peacock.

Odin didn't look at him. He couldn't. Never in his life had the golden king been so disappointed, so angry, at the son he had raised. He cast a glance to Loki. The dark prince that he had taken from Jotun. Perhaps the one who was truly rightful to the throne was him because, at this point, Thor was a lost cause.

"Do you have any idea what you could have done? What you could have started?"

"I was protecting my home!"

"You cannot even protect your friends. I have seen the 'battle' you were in and if it wasn't for Loki, you would all have perished. How can you hope to protect our kingdom if you can't even survive an illusion that your brother had cast? How can you hope to make peace if you had truly harmed the Jotuns?"

While Odin continued to chew out Thor, Loki turned to the others.

He saw that Fandral was still pale and unwell, despite the fact that he had closed his wounds.

Loki had used most of his energy in maintaining his illusions and copies. He did not have enough seidr to completely heal the internal wounds that the ice stalagmite had done on Fandral.

Not to mention, Volstagg was bearing a heavy injury within the throw of the illusionary battle. Loki's protective shield on the ginger warrior may or may not have flickered when he (Volstagg) was grabbed by a Jotun. Upon closer inspections, it seems the trickster was right on this fact when he saw that a part of his arm was blackened and slowly rotting.

Shit. I forgot about him.

{Indeed you did, Master Mot}

"Father?" The dark prince approaches the furious Allfather, looking slightly meek and worried (for the old god's health; a person his age should not be shouting that angrily until his face turned puce).

Odin finally turned to the others, wearing an ire-filled expression until his eyes landed on his youngest. His face softened slightly immediately. In a quieter and much kinder tone, he asked, "What is it, my son?"

Loki still looked mildly worried, but he gestured to the Warriors. "Fandral and Volstagg were gravely injured during the battle. The fault lies with me for I allowed my shields to flicker. I would like to send them to Healer Eir to get them checked up if it's alright with you?"

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