Chapter five: Thor (kinda)

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Hello, everyone! It's Author-san! So, I know I haven't been updating as of late- But! Let me explain. So I've recently come back from a trip to Europe. I had a lot of fun there, but in return, I never found any time to update the story. Luckily, I am now able to confirm that I'm alive! I would also like to thank all of you who have commented and kicked my ass into gear so I can get this chapter up! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote, share, and follow for more updates! Comments and reviews are always welcomed!



Meanwhile, back in Asgard.

Odin crosses the rainbow bridge with a group of warriors trailing behind him. He rode the great horse, Sleipnir, looking aloof and regal.

"Heimdall. Where is my son?"

The gatekeeper raises a brow. "Which one?"


"He and Loki are in Jotunheim. You have come too late to stop them, though your youngest had tried to stall for time."


Odin's face morphed into one of anger and then panic.

It had taken him long round up the best warriors. It felt as if the fate wanted to keep him long enough from getting to the Bifrost in time. He felt suspicious all of a sudden. Why did he need the warriors in the first place? He was perfectly capable of stopping Thor and his friends from going off to Jotunheim and dragging Loki with him.

Never mind that! I need to go after them!

Looking more furious than he could possibly be, Odin clenched Gungnir tightly and said to Heimdall, "Open the Bifrost. We're going after them."

"By your will, my king."

Somewhere most definitely not Asgard and is most assuredly Jotunheim, Thor and his friends landed on their ass on top of the Bifrost point. To be more specific, a hole in the sky ripped open and Thor and his friends shot out, landing roughly on their buttocks with the safety and comfort of a rampaging elephant.

Loki, on the other hand, was like a bird; fluttering down slowly and gracefully without a care in the world.

There were several groans of pain.

"Thor! Get your foot out of my face!" Sif growled. A painful groan was his response.

He was not impressed.

"Ow!- hey!- Sif!- Sif, stop!" Thor was eventually pushed off with the force of the war god and found himself making a gruesome snow angel on the snow-covered ground.

Hogun and Volstagg were in their own little pile of bruises and cuts.

"Volstagg, mind moving off?"

"I cannot. My hair is tangled with your ruddy  boot!" The redhead grunted.

"Get off."


Yeah, let's leave them alone for now...

Loki merely smiled, pretending that he was unaware of the mess behind him as he adjusted his shawl and covered his head with a hood. Looking out into the distant horizon, the trickster spotted the intimidating ice palace of King Laufey.

009, exactly how far is our destination?

{It may look close, but you will have to trudge through the frozen wasteland for a few hours if you wish to get there. I pity that none of your companions have made an effort to wear something warmer. Frostbites can deadly in this realm.}

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